법무법인바른 사이트는 IE11이상 혹은 타 브라우저에서
정상적으로 구동되도록 구현되었습니다.

익스플로러 10 이하버전에서는 브라우저 버전 업데이트 혹은
엣지, 크롬, 사파리등의 다른 브라우저로 접속을 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.

鄭榮薰 구성원변호사


  • 2019University of Southern California Gould School of Law (LL.M.)
  • 2012Passed the Bar Exam (1st), Korea
  • 2012Sogang University Law School
  • 2003Passed the Patent Bar Exam (40th), Korea
  • 2002Department of Electrical Engineering, KAIST (B.S.)
  • 1997Chungnam High School


  • 2020 ~ Present Partner, Barun Law LLC
  • 2024 ~ PresentLegal Councel, Ministry of Science and ICT
  • 2024 ~ PresentLegal Councel, Korea Animation Industry Association
  • 2023 ~ PresentNon-Standing Director, Korea Intellectual property STrategy Agency
  • 2023 ~ PresentLegal Advisor, Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd.
  • 2023 ~ PresentLegal Advisor, Korea Western Power Co., Ltd.
  • 2023 ~ PresentLegal Advisor, Korea Midland Power Co., Ltd.
  • 2021 ~ PresentLegal Councel, The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
  • 2020 ~ Present Legal Advisor, Grand Korea Leisure
  • 2020 ~ Present Legal Advisor, Korea Racing Authority
  • 2020 ~ Present Legal Advisor, Korea Gas Safety Corporation
  • 2019 ~ Present Vice Chairman, Korea ICT Convergence Association
  • 2019 ~ PresentLegal Advisor, Santa Clara Korean American Chamber of Commerce
  • 2020 ~ 2024Director of Legislation, Korea Patent Attorney Association
  • 2019 ~ 2020Evaluation Member, Institute of Information and Communications Technology Planning and Evaluation (IITP)
  • 2016 ~ 2019 Legal Advisor, Korea South-East Power Co., Ltd.
  • 2013 ~ 2019Associate, Barun Law LLC
  • 2012 ~ 2013Hwang Mok Park
  • 2004 ~ 2009Y.P. Lee, Mock & Partners
  • 2004Jiwu International Patent & Law

주요 업무 및 활동

Intellectual Property Right

- Representing in a case involving an issue of whether company N, a power generation company, infringed the trade secrets of the company that provided design service to company N

- Representing in a case where company N, a developer of magnetic materials that block and absorb electromagnetic waves, filed for interim injunction to prohibit transfer for reason of infringement of trade secrets

- Representing in a case where a claim for interim injunction was filed to prohibit the use of a mark with regard to which an issue was raised as to whether any acts of unfair competition prescribed under the Unfair Competition Prevention and Trade Secret Protection Act took place concerning the name of a rock festival held at J resort

- Representing in a case where a claim was filed to prohibit an act of unfair competition with regard to which an issue was raised as to whether the act of breach set out under Article 2.1.I. of the Unfair Competition Prevention and Trade Secret Protection Act (act of copying the shape of goods) took place

- Representing in a case where a claim was filed to prohibit an act of unfair competition with regard to which an issue was raised as to whether the act of breach set out under Article 2.1.K. of the Unfair Competition Prevention and Trade Secret Protection Act, which has to do with the definition of acts of unfair competition, took place

- Representing in a case where a claim was filed for damages with regard to which an issue was raised whether pay broadcasting companies, including cable system operators (SO), infringed neighboring rights (simultaneous broadcasting right) of local broadcasting station

- Representing in a case where a claim for interim injunction was filed to prohibit infringement of trademark right by company C with regard to which an issue was raised against parallel import of authentic products

- Representing in a lawsuit where a claim for cancellation of the dismissal decision rejecting the registration of trademark in an appeal case against the same decision with regard to which an issue was raised as to the “unjustifiable purpose” under Article 7.(1).11 of the former Trademark Act

- Representing in a case where a claim was filed by company A seeking fulfillment of transfer and registration of service mark right

- Representing in a case where a claim for damages was filed by company P, an automatic crane control system, against its competitor company H for patent infringement and a case where company H filed a claim against company P seeking for nullification of patent

- Representing in a case where company S, a mobile phone protection film manufacturer, filed for interim injunction against its competitor, company K, to prohibit infringement of patent

- Representing in a case where company O, a contact lens franchisor, filed for interim injunction against its competing franchisor, company L, to prohibit infringement of model utility right due to indirect infringement of its model utility right, and cases where claims for damages and for cancellation of decision were filed

- Representing in a case where an employee who has left company P (company V, company C, etc.) filed a claim against the company for payment of compensation for employee invention

- Representing in a lawsuit on infringement of patent between companies A and B where an issue was raised as to the interpretation of a certain clause

- Representing in a lawsuit on infringement of patent between companies S and I where an issue was raised whether a patent right has been infringed by multiple parties

- Representing in a case where a claim for damages was filed for occupational negligence by the relevant patent attorney

- Representing in a lawsuit on infringement of trademark right of company S, a well-known jeans maker

- Representing in a case where a claim was filed by company O for interim injunction to prohibit infringement of trademark right with regard to which an issue was raised as to which whether it is possible to legally distribute imported products, worth billions of won, kept in the warehouse even after expiration of the relevant exclusive distribution agreement

- Representing in a lawsuit on infringement of copyright by and among color therapy service providers

- Representing in a lawsuit on infringement of copyright between company I, the copyright holder of the well-known character P, and company C, a provider of role playing videos utilizing character P

Bankruptcy/Corporate Rehabilitation

- A case involving the rehabilitation of company S, a renowned embroidery machine manufacturer

- A case involving the rehabilitation of company L, a well-known travel company


- A Proposal for a Business Model for Patent Management in Korea to Overcome Patent Troll Problems (Business Management and Law), Sogang University Institute for Legal Studies, 2010.

- Commentaries on Intellectual Property (for employees in charge of corporate IPs), Samil Infomine, 2019.

- Compilation of 100 Precedents on the Unfair Competition Prevention and Trade Secret Protection Act, Pakyongsa, 2024.





[지식재산] 영업비밀의 묵시적 사용승낙이 문제된 사건

[지식재산권]발전소 건설 및 운영 발주처 N사가 선행호기 설계사 A사가 납품한 설계자료를 B사가 참조하게 하여 후행호기를 설계하게 한 것은 영업비밀 침해행위가 아니라는 사례

[영업비밀] 위법한 압수·수색에 의하여 수집된 증거의 증거능력을 배제하고 항소심에서 무죄판결을 이끌어낸 사안

[지식재산] 다수의 유사 제품이 존재하는 무선이어폰 케이스용 커버 제품에 대한 침해금지가처분 신청이 인용된 사안

[지식재산] 진보성 위반의 무효사유가 있는 특허권에 기초하여 가처분 신청을 기각한 사안

[지식재산] 특허권자의 무리한 권리범위 확장에 기초한 특허권 침해금지 청구를 기각한 사안

[지식재산] 특허침해를 인정한 1심 판결 뒤집고 항소심에서 특허 비침해 판결 이끌어

[인사·노동] 부패행위 신고자에 대한 불이익조치라는 이유로 징계의결 요구 등을 취소하도록 한 권익위 결정의 위법성이 인정된 사례

[지식재산] 상대방의 특허권침해 주장을 효과적으로 방어한 사안

[지식재산] 비변리행위의 변호사법 위반 여부가 문제된 고발대리 사건

[당선무효] 대한변리사회의 전 회장이 대한변리사회를 상대로 제기한 당선무효확인청구를 기각시킨 사안 (서울중앙지방법원 2020가합532794)

[지식재산] 특허권자의 특허권 침해 주장을 청구항의 해석에 관한 법리에 근거하여 효과적으로 방어한 사안(항소심)

[특허] 복수 주체에 의한 특허권 침해의 성립 여부가 문제된 사건

[영업비밀] 국내 최대의 휴대폰 방수 점착제 개발ㆍ제조업체인 A사가 경쟁업체 B사를 상대로 B사의 양산품이 영업비밀 침해품임을 이유로 제기한 영업비밀침해금지가처분 사건

[IP] 가구 형태의 모방 제품을 판매·유통하는 것은 (자)목의 부정경쟁행위에 해당함을 소명하여 그 생산, 양도, 대여, 수출·수입 등의 금지를 구하는 가처분 신청을 인용받은 사례

[지적재산권] 부정경쟁방지법위반 등에 기한 금지 및 손해배상청구 사건에서 항소인용 판결을 이끌어 낸 사례

[IP] 정정심판을 통해 특허권의 무효사유를 해소한 사례

[지적재산] 유명 비트코인 채굴 방법에 관한 특허권에 대해 무효심판에서 승소한 사례

[지식재산] 특허권 및 디자인권을 보유한 상대방의 전방위적 지식재산권 행사를 전부 무력화한 사례

[지식재산] 특허명세서 내용의 미비점에 주목하여 특허권자의 권리행사를 무력화한 사건

[지식재산] 은밀하게 이루어진 영업비밀 침해행위를 밝히고 판매금지 및 손해배상판결을 이끌어 낸 사건

[지식재산] 특허심판원의 일관된 무효 판단을 뒤집은 사건

[지식재산] 명세서에 정의되어 있지 않은 실용신안 구성에 관한 청구범위 해석이 문제된 사안을 성공적으로 방어한 사례

[지식재산] 부정경쟁행위가 오랜 기간 동안 계속되었음에도 불구하고 보전의 필요성을 인정받아 부정경쟁행위금지가처분결정을 받아낸 사례

[지식재산] 유명 프랜차이즈 '우리할매떡볶이'의 상표 리스크를 확실하게 제거한 사건

[지식재산] 타인의 영업비밀을 무단으로 취득, 사용 또는 누설한 피고인들에게 부정한 목적이 없음을 이유로 무죄를 선고한 항소심 판결이 대법원에서 파기환송되도록 피해자를 조력한 사례