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익스플로러 10 이하버전에서는 브라우저 버전 업데이트 혹은
엣지, 크롬, 사파리등의 다른 브라우저로 접속을 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.

Finance and Criminal Matters

  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사



In modern society, it is impossible for individuals or businesses to live without financial transactions, and they often face criminal problems directly and indirectly in the financial transaction process. Our financial criminal lawyers focus on providing legal assistance for clients properly respond to investigation of white-collar crimes such as fraud, a breach of duty and embezzlement, and criminal trials in relation to financial transactions between individuals, banks, and companies.

Our Financial Criminal Team consists of a number of lawyers and staff with abundant experience and know-how in resolving cases regarding white-collar crimes relating to financial transactions. Our lawyers have demonstrated outstanding ability in handling cases, helping clients be found innocent or be clear of suspicion.


- Advice on response to prosecutors’ investigation of alleged white-collar crimes of fraud, a breach of duty and embezzlement that arises in the course of financial transaction
 - Advice on response to criminal lawsuits filed in relation to white-collar crimes
 - Advice on potential risks that could arise in financial transactions and the development of solutions to deal with the risks


  • Lone Star Sale Case Involving KEB: A case on breach of trust related to the sale of Korea Exchange Bank (KEB) to Lone Star.
  • Shinhan Bank Former President: A case on violation of the Act on the Aggravated Punishment of Specific Economic Crimes (embezzlement, breach of trust) involving the former president of Shinhan Bank.
  • Dongyang Group CP Issuance: A case on fraud under the Act on the Aggravated Punishment of Specific Economic Crimes involving Chairman Hyun Jae-hyun of Dongyang Group related to CP (commercial paper) issuance.
  • Company D’s Accounting Fraud: A case on violation of the External Audit Act and Capital Markets Act related to Company D's accounting fraud (understatement of bad debt reserves amounting to KRW 227 billion).
  • China CERCG ABCP Issuance: A case on fraud under the Act on the Aggravated Punishment of Specific Economic Crimes and violation of the Capital Markets Act related to the issuance of ABCP (asset-backed commercial paper) by China CERCG.
  • Savings Banks Crisis Criminal Litigation: Criminal litigation related to the savings bank crisis involving Busan Savings Bank, Samhwa Savings Bank, and others.
  • Scalper S Case: A case on violation of the Financial Investment Services and Capital Markets Act involving scalper S.
  • Engineering Company of Group C: A case on violation of the Capital Markets Act involving the CEO of an engineering company affiliated with Group C.
  • Websolus Stock Price Manipulation: A case on violation of the Capital Markets Act due to stock price manipulation involving Websolus
  • KIKO Case: A case on fraud under the Act on the Aggravated Punishment of Specific Economic Crimes related to KIKO (knock-in knock-out) contracts.


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[집행·형사]토지인도 및 그 지상건물의 강제집행에서 허위의 공동점유를 주장한 자들을 구속기소시킨 사례
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[형사] 김00 금융분석원장 뇌물수수등 사건
[형사] 중국회사 보증부사채(ABCP) 관련한 1,600억 원대 특경법위반(사기) 및 자본시장법위반 사건 1심 전부 무죄판결
[형사·자본시장] 중국회사 보증부사채(ABCP) 관련한 1,600억 원대 특경법위반(사기) 및 자본시장법위반 사건, 제1심 법원에 이어 항소심 법원도 전부 무죄 판결을 이끌어낸 사례
[형사] 도이치모터스 주가조작 사건 전부 무죄를 받은 사례
[금융형사] 테라 · 루나 폭락 관련 차이페이 결제 시스템을 개발, 관리한 프로그래머를 대리해 사실 관계와 법리 관련 쟁점을 검토하고 법원을 잘 설득하여 구속영장을 기각시킨 사례
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[의료·형사] 의료재단 소유 자금 횡령으로 기소된 사건에 대해 무죄 판단을 이끌어 낸 사례
[금융형사] 새마을금고중앙회 회장이 2억 5,000만 원 상당을 수수했다는 혐의에 대하여 검찰의 구속영장청구를 2회 기각하여 불구속 상태에서 재판을 받을 수 있도록 한 사안
[반부패금융경제범죄] 모 금융지주 회장 친인척의 불법대출 관련 194억 원 특경법위반(배임) 혐의를 받은 은행 심사본부장의 구속영장을 기각시킨 사례
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