법무법인바른 사이트는 IE11이상 혹은 타 브라우저에서
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익스플로러 10 이하버전에서는 브라우저 버전 업데이트 혹은
엣지, 크롬, 사파리등의 다른 브라우저로 접속을 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.

Anti-Corruption and Financial Economic Crimes

  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사



Following the inauguration of the new government, the Financial and Securities Crime Joint Investigation Team at the Seoul Southern District Prosecutors' Office has been reinstated. Additionally, the establishment of joint investigation teams for voice phishing and tax crimes has led to an increase in related investigations and prosecutions in finance, securities, and tax sectors. Consequently, the firm has assembled a team of top experts and has created the Anti-Corruption and Financial Economic Crimes Task Force to address these issues comprehensively. Leading this specialized team is Attorney Cho Jae-Bin who is a prominent figure in the prosecution service renowned for his expertise in finance and anti-corruption with a certification as a Level 2 Blue Belt Certified Specialist in construction and civil engineering corruption matters. He also served as former deputy chief prosecutors from Busan and Incheon specializing in customs and tax cases, former chief prosecutor of the Special Investigation Division 4, deputy chief prosecutor of Special Investigation Division 3, and prosecutor of Special Investigation Division 2 at the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office. Alongside him, our task force comprises former prosecutors and judges with extensive experience in anti-corruption and financial economic crime investigations and trials, former Financial Supervisory Service attorneys, and veteran legal advisors in financial consultancy. At the firm’s Anti-Corruption and Financial Economic Crimes Task Force, we offer comprehensive and tailored legal services through close collaboration among our top experts. Our services include:
• Responding to various administrative measures at the early stages of investigations by financial authorities, such as delisting and disciplinary actions
• Handling investigations and responses to various financial and securities crime cases, including violations of the Capital Markets Act
• Providing expert legal support for all aspects of anti-corruption and financial economic crime cases


  • Response to Investigations: Handling investigations by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) and the Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) regarding unfair trading practices in the capital market.
  • Administrative Measures: Addressing delisting, disciplinary actions, and other administrative measures imposed by the Korea Exchange, FSS, and FSC.
  • Investigation Defense: Defending clients in investigations conducted by prosecution, police, and special judicial police.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Providing advice on various regulatory measures.
  • Trial Representation: Representing clients in trials related to finance, securities, and tax cases.


  • Achieved a no-suspicion decision and an acquittal for an executive of a listed company accused of violating the Capital Markets Act by using non-public important information.
  • Secured a no-suspicion decision for a listed travel agency accused of accounting fraud.
  • Successfully defended against various investigations and trials related to market manipulation and other violations of the Capital Markets Act.


[형사] 지역주택조합장 등이 38억 상당의 재산상 이익을 취득하고 조합에게 손해를 가했다는 배임혐의로 기소된 사안(징역 7년 구형)에서 전부 무죄를 받아낸 사례
[형사] 179억원 상당의 뇌물수수 및 지역주택조합에 대한 배임 등 혐의로 기소된 피고인에 대하여 제1심 판결을 뒤집고 전부 무죄를 받아낸 사례
[형사] 삼성전자가 전 해외법인 주재원을 상대로 특경법위반(배임)죄로 고소하여 검찰이 구속영장을 청구했으나 기각되도록 한 사례
[반부패금융경제범죄] 부패방지 및 국민권익위원회의 설치와 운영에 관한 법률 위반으로 1심에서 각 징역 1년 6월 및 징역 1년에 집행유예 2년이 선고된 피고인들을 항소심부터 변호해 무죄 판결을 이끌어내고 상고기각까지 받아낸 사례
[반부패금융경제범죄] 사문서위조를 인정한 관련 민사 확정판결과 그에 따라 실형을 선고한 형사 1심 판결을 뒤집고, 전부 무죄를 이끌어낸 사례
[반부패금융경제범죄] 특경법위반(배임)죄 등으로 고소고발되어 4명이 기소의견으로 송치된 의료법인 관련 사건을 변론하여 8명 모두 혐의없음 종결되도록 한 사례
[반부패금융경제범죄] 모 금융지주 회장 친인척의 불법대출 관련 194억 원 특경법위반(배임) 혐의를 받은 은행 심사본부장의 구속영장을 기각시킨 사례
