법무법인바른 사이트는 IE11이상 혹은 타 브라우저에서
정상적으로 구동되도록 구현되었습니다.

익스플로러 10 이하버전에서는 브라우저 버전 업데이트 혹은
엣지, 크롬, 사파리등의 다른 브라우저로 접속을 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.

Tax and Criminal Matters

  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사


  • 강병섭 변호사



The criminal tax field encompasses response to investigation and criminal trials of tax offenses prescribed by the Tax Criminal Punishment Act of Korea. If a tax offense is noticed and an investigation is launched against the alleged offense, an action of notification or a charge might be taken or filed against the alleged offender. The alleged offender needs to respond appropriately to each process from the beginning of investigation to a criminal trial. Since criminal tax matters are subject to both the criminal and tax laws, systematic assistance from experts with legal knowledge and practical experience in terms of the tax and criminal laws is required to achieve the best result.

Our Criminal Tax Team consists of a number of experienced lawyers and experts from the Korean National Tax Service, who have dealt with in various tax and criminal cases. Our attorneys and experts have a track record of obtaining decisions on innocence and acquittal in criminal tax cases. In particular, our attorneys who have built their experience of dealing with tax and criminal cases as former judges and prosecutors help clients achieve the best result that accommodates their individual situations through their effective and professional approaches and solutions to criminal tax matters.


- Response to investigations launched by the Korean National Tax Service in relation to alleged tax offences  
- Response to investigations launched by prosecutors in relation to charges filed by the Korean National Tax Service
- Response to investigations launched by prosecutors in relation to white collar crime (regarding tax issues)
- Response to trials relating to tax issues


  • Income Tax and Corporate Tax Evasion Case for the 'Shipping King': A criminal case involving income tax and corporate tax evasion by the so-called "Shipping King."
  • Criminal Case for Unregistered Money Lender Hiding Income Using Third-Party Accounts and Failing to Create Supporting Documentation: A criminal case involving an unregistered money lender who used third-party accounts to hide income and failed to create supporting documentation.


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[형사, 행정사건] 선박왕 조세포탈 형사사건 대부분 무죄확정 및 조세부과처분취소 행정사건 파기환송
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