법무법인바른 사이트는 IE11이상 혹은 타 브라우저에서
정상적으로 구동되도록 구현되었습니다.

익스플로러 10 이하버전에서는 브라우저 버전 업데이트 혹은
엣지, 크롬, 사파리등의 다른 브라우저로 접속을 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.

姜兌勳 구성원변호사

구성원 소개

Attorney Kang, Tae Hun was appointed as a prosecutor at the Seoul Eastern District Prosecutors’ Office in 2007m and served as a prosecutor for approximately 11 years until his retirement from the Ministry of Justice in August 2017. During his career as a prosecutor, he worked in various departments, including special investigations, public security, violent crimes, and trials. In particular, he developed special expertise in industrial accident cases while serving as a public security prosecutor at the Daejeon District Prosecutors' Office and the Suwon District Prosecutors' Office Ansan Branch.

Attorney Kang also gained extensive experience in administrative and national litigation while working at the National Litigation Division of the Ministry of Justice, where he supervised and actively participated in government administrative litigation.

Since joining Barun Law LLC as a partner attorney in September 2017, Attorney Kang has primarily focused on: △ Anti-corruption financial and economic crimes, △ Election crimes, △ White collar criminal defense, △ Fair trade investigations and defense.

He is also a key member of the firm's Major Accident Response Center, specializing in industrial accident cases and compliance with the Serious Accidents Punishment Act. Attorney Kang's in-depth knowledge and extensive experience in these areas underscore his significant capabilities in handling complex criminal and administrative litigation.


  • 2016Visiting Scholar, Centre for East Asian Studies Groningen
  • 2007Judicial Research and Training Institute of Supreme Court of Korea (36th)
  • 2004Passed the Korean Bar Exam (46th)
  • 2002Hanyang University
  • 1994Jeju Ohyun High School


  • 2017 ~ PresentPartner, Barun Law LLC
  • 2021 ~ PresentMember, Presidential Secretariat Administrative Trial Commission
  • 2016 ~ 2017Litigation Division, Ministry of Justice
  • 2013 ~ 2016Ansan Branch of Suwon District Public Prosecutors’ Office (Awarded the Prosecutor General’s Commendation, 2014)
  • 2011 ~ 2013Daejeon District Public Prosecutors’ Office
  • 2009 ~ 2011Wonju Branch of Chuncheon District Public Prosecutors’ Office
  • 2007 ~ 2009Seoul Eastern District Public Prosecutors’ Office

주요 업무 및 활동


- Investigated the case concerning acceptance of bribe by deputy chairman of an assembly of a regional municipality

- Investigated the case concerning breach of the Attorney-At-Law Act by an owner of a regional newspaper company

- Investigated several cases concerning breach of the Public Official Election Act in connection with regional government elections

- Investigated several labor- and industrial safety-related cases, including obstruction of business in connection with a strike that occurred at a public enterprise

Investigation Response

- Directed several cases concerning crimes related to public officials, elections and labor


- Directed several litigation cases under which the state was a party, including cases seeking disciplinary action against public officials and claims for disclosure of various types of information





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