법무법인바른 사이트는 IE11이상 혹은 타 브라우저에서
정상적으로 구동되도록 구현되었습니다.

익스플로러 10 이하버전에서는 브라우저 버전 업데이트 혹은
엣지, 크롬, 사파리등의 다른 브라우저로 접속을 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.

Moon, Ki Joo 구성원변호사

구성원 소개

Attorney Moon is a partner attorney at Barun Law LLC. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Korea University College of Law and master’s degree at the graduate school of the same university. He also studied trust law and family business succession as a guest research associate with the Faculty of Law of Kyoto University in Japan. After completing the Judicial Research and Training Institute of the Supreme Court of Korea, he joined Barun Law and has been conducting work mainly in the fields of labor/employment, corporate advisory, administration and procurement, and civil and criminal litigation. Attorney Moon currently serves as a researcher with the Legislation Research Institute of the Korean Bar Association, member of the Japan Subcommittee under the International Committee of the Seoul Bar Association, and Of Counsel of the Korean Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service.


  • 2017Graduate School of Law, Korea University (LL.M., Civil Code)
  • 2014Guest Research Associate, Faculty of Law, Kyoto University (Trust Law and Family Business Succession)
  • 2006Judicial Research and Training Institute of the Supreme Court of Korea (35th)
  • 2003Passed the Bar Exam (45th), Korea
  • 2000 College of Law, Korea University (LL.B.)
  • 1995Seoul Junghwa High School


  • 2016 ~ presentPartner, Barun Law LLC
  • 2022 ~ PresentAuditor, Korea Resource Circulation Service Agency
  • 2017 ~ 2023Of Counsel, Korean Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service
  • 2016 ~ 2020Researcher, Legislation Research Institute of Korean Bar Association
  • 2017 ~ 2018Member, Japan Subcommittee of the International Committee, Seoul Bar Association
  • 2014Vasco da Gama Offices in Tokyo, Japan
  • 2009 ~ 2015Associate, Barun Law LLC
  • 2006 ~ 2009Public-Service Judge Advocate, Nationality and Refugee Division, Korea Immigration Service, Ministry of Justice of Korea

주요 업무 및 활동

Real Estate / Construction

- A litigation action involved by Daewoo Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd. filed to claim the payment of contributions among joint contractors of the Kyodong Bridge

- A case involved by Dongbu Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd. concerning the death of unagi in relation to the construction of a highway spanning between Daejeon and Dangjin

Commercial Matters and Intellectual Property Rights

- A litigation action involved by POSCO Corp. with regard to the infringement of patent and damages in relation to the technology adopted to use by-products from a mini mill

- Advising Samjeong KPMG on the change of an auditor of STX Corp., and Korea Exim Bank on construction consulting and on accounting and audit with regard to the end of an audit, accounting standards of contingent assets and available-for-sale securities of Hansol Paper Co., Ltd.

- Advising Korea Creative Contents Agency on the discharge of copyright to cultural archetype contents

- Advising SBS Contents Hub Co., Ltd. on broadcasting, export of audiovisual works, prevention of illegal distribution, etc.

Labor / Employment

- A case regarding the employee status ofshoemaker under the Labor Standards Act

- A caseregarding the employee status of the middle manager working at a departmentstore under the Labor Standards Act

- A case regarding the employee status of commissionagent working at a department store under the Labor Standards Act

- A case regarding the employee status ofgame assistants working at a golf course under the Labor Standards Act

- A case regarding a claim forseverance pay upon transfer to an affiliate within the same corporate group 


- A litigation action involved by Korea Land and Housing Corporation concerning the cancellation of the measure restricting eligibility of inappropriate enterprises from taking part in a bid

- A litigation action concerning the cancellation of designation of a supervisor for the construction of a Alphdom City multi-functional city

- Cases concerning business permits, construction permits, occupational accidents, legal status of public service workers, development charges, nationality, refugees, etc.

Criminal Matters

- Cases regarding breach of the Political Funds Act, bribery by a former commissioner of Korea Financial Intelligence Unit, breach of the Public Official Election Act by a former city mayor(sijang) and former county governor(gunsu).

- A case concerning embezzlement of government subsidies in relation to the installation o f low nox burners


- A Study on the Assignability and Scope of a Beneficiary’s Obligations when Transferring the Beneficiary Right, under the Revised Trust Act, BFL Vol. 65, Seoul National University Center for Financial Law

- The Pursuit for Truth of Biological Family Connections through DNA Testing and Its Limits, Research on Inheritance and Trust II, Barun Inheritance and Trust Society

- A Study on the Waiver of Beneficiary Right by the Beneficiary under Land Development Trust and Repayment Obligation, Inheritance and Trust Research II, Barun Inheritance and Trust Society

- A Study on the Status of Beneficiaries under the Revised Trust Act, Korea University Graduate School, Master’s Thesis


Finished the Securities & Finance Training Course provided by the Seoul Bar Association (on December 4, 2014)
Registered as Certified Tax Accountant (February 4, 2020)
Registered labor law as specialty field with the Korean Bar Association (March 30, 2020)
Arbitrator of the Korea Commercial Arbitration Board





[형사] 김00 금융분석원장 뇌물수수등 사건

[인사•노동] 백화점 중간관리점주가 근로기준법상 근로자에 해당하지 아니함을 확인한 판결

[노동] ‘백화점 중간관리점주는 근로자에 해당하지 않는다’ 첫 판결

[형사] 목장주가 경주마로 키우기 위해 육성하던 마필의 다리를 고의로 골절시킨 후 가축재해보험금을 편취하였다고 기소된 사건에서 무죄 판결을 이끌어냄

[인사·노동] 백화점 매장에서 종사하는 위탁판매원의 경우 근로기준법상 근로자에 해당하지 않는다는 판결을 최초로 이끌어냄.

[인사·노동] 법령 개정, 직제별 업무량 변동 등에 따라 지역지부의 경리 직원을 다른 직제로 전보한 것이 적법함을 확인한 판결

[인사·노동] 유명 입시학원의 온·오프라인 강사가 근로기준법상 근로자에 해당됨을 확인한 판결

[인사·노동] 회사가 미공개 내부정보를 이용한 주식거래를 통해 시세차익을 취한 직원들에 대해 면직 처분을 한 것은 정당하다는 판결

[인사·노동] 전직이 사용자의 권한이라고 하더라도 정당한 인사권의 범위 내에 있는지 여부는 업무상 필요성, 인원선택의 합리성, 전직 대상자의 생활상 불이익, 신의칙을 종합적으로 고려하여 판단되어야 함을 확인한 판결

[인사·노동] 지원자와 밀접한 관계에 있는 자의 채용청탁이 인정된다고 하더라도, 취업규칙(인사규정)상 직권면직사유의 문언적 한계를 벗어나고 청탁과 채용 사이에 인과관계가 인정되지 않는다면, 당해 직권면직은 위법하다는 판결

[민사] 기투입사업비에 관한 원상회복약정의 정지조건 성취 방해를 인정한 1심 판결을 취소하고 원고의 손해배상청구 등을 전부 기각한 판결

[인사·노동] 특정 프로젝트 업무 수행을 위한 프리랜서 개발자의 경우 근로기준법상 근로자에 해당하지 아니함을 확인한 판결

[인사·노동] 백화점 매장관리자(소위 ‘중간관리점주’)가 근로기준법상 근로자에 해당하지 아니함을 확인한 판결

[인사·노동] 등기이사이지만 임금을 목적으로 종속적인 관계에서 노무를 제공한 근로자에 해당함을 확인한 판정

[인사·노동] 직제별 업무량 변동에 따라 기존 직원을 다른 직제로 전보한 것이 적법함을 확인한 결정

[노동] 채용비리사유로 직권면직된 근로자들을 대리해 인과관계없음을 증명하고 1심과 항소심 모두 승소한 사례

[인사·노동] 형사판결 확정을 이유로 당연퇴직처분을 받은 근로자가 복직할 수 있도록 자문·조력한 사례

[인사·노동] 특정 프로젝트 업무 수행을 위한 프리랜서 개발자의 경우 근로기준법상 근로자에 해당하지 아니함을 재차 확인한 판결

[인사·노동] 지방공기업 자체평가급이 통상임금에 해당하지 아니함을 확인한 판결