법무법인바른 사이트는 IE11이상 혹은 타 브라우저에서
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익스플로러 10 이하버전에서는 브라우저 버전 업데이트 혹은
엣지, 크롬, 사파리등의 다른 브라우저로 접속을 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.

金度亨 구성원변호사

구성원 소개

Attorney Kim, Do Hyung specializes in the financial sector. He graduated from the 34th class of the Judicial Research and Training Institute and joined the firm in 2008. After gaining extensive experience in both civil and criminal litigation, he now focuses on litigation and advisory work related to finance, capital markets and insurance.

His major cases include: △ The Shinhan Bank case, △ The KIKO litigation, △ The China Gaosheng delisting damages case, △ The Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering accounting fraud litigation, △ The KRW 160 billion damage claim related to China Energy Reserve and Chemicals Group (CERCG), △ KRW 160 billion settlement litigation involving Gyeongnam Masan Robot Land, and others. Recently, he has been involved in litigation involving various funds, including: △ U.S. real estate funds, △ German Heritage Funds, △ Australian real estate funds, △ Italian healthcare funds, and △ Global healthcare funds.

Attorney Kim is also actively involved in external activities, serving as an advisory member of the Personal Information Protection Committee (2018-2019) and a member of the Financial Security Advisory Committee of the Financial Security Institute (2022-present). He has taught “Financial Law Practice” at Korea University Law School (2014-2018), given lectures for lawyers at the Securities and Finance Training Institute of the Seoul Bar Association, and participated in academic activities as a director of the Korea Securities Law Association (2015-present). He has also contributed to research and academic activities. Attorney Kim has served as the head of the Finance Group and has participated in the management of the firm as a member of the executive committee of the firm since 2022.


  • 2013University of Southern California Gould School of Law (LL.M.)
  • 2006Korea University Graduate School (Masters in Administration Law)
  • 2005Judicial Research and Training Institute of the Supreme Court of Korea (34th)
  • 2002Passed the Bar Exam (44th)
  • 2000College of Law, Korea University (LL.B.)
  • 1995Daegu Cheonggu High School


  • 2015 ~ PresentPartner, Barun Law LLC
  • 2022 ~ PresentOperation Committee, Barun Law LLC
  • 2024 ~ PresentAdvisory Member, Financial Supervisory Advisory Council, Financial Supervisory Service
  • 2022 ~ PresentAdvisory Member, Financial Security Advisory Council, Financial Security Agency
  • 2019 ~ PresentDirector, Korean Commercial Law Association
  • 2017 ~ PresentMember, Special Committee for Regulation and Innovation of Startups of the Korean Bar Association
  • 2016 ~ PresentMember, Legal Advisory Panel for Mid and Small-Sized Enterprises Doing Business Overseas of the Ministry of Justice
  • 2015 ~ PresentDirector, Korean Securities Law Association
  • 2021 ~ 2022Head of Finance Group, Barun Law LLC
  • 2018 ~ 2019Advisory Member, Personal Information Protection Committee
  • 2014 ~ 2018Adjunct Professor, Korea University Law School (Finance Law Practice)
  • 2014 ~ 2016Member, Legislation Evaluation Committee of the Korean Bar Association
  • 2010 ~ 2011Committee Member, 2011 IBA International Arbitration Day Arrangement Committee
  • 2008 ~ 2014Associate, Barun Law LLC
  • 2007Judge Advocate, Seoul High Prosecutors’ Office
  • 2006Judge Advocate, Daejeon High Prosecutors’ office
  • 2005Judge Advocate, Korea Legal Aid Corporation

주요 업무 및 활동

Finance / Securities / Insurance / Capital Market

- A litigation case involving a claim for damages in relation to accounting fraud of Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering

- A case involving a claim for damages in relation to delisting of China Gaoxian and lawsuit on claim for restitution together with related entities

- A litigation case involving a claim for approximately KRW 160 billion in value between securities companies in relation to Asset-Backed Commercial Papers (ABCPs) issued by CERCG, a Chinese company

- A case involving a claim for settlement money in relation to the development of Gyeongnam Masan Robot Land approximately KRW 160 billion in value

- A case involving a claim for damages in relation to sale of derivatives by M securities company (approximately KRW 40 billion in value)

- A litigation case on calculation of profit and losses by and among creditor banks in a shipyard’s workout process and on right to claim to purchase RGs

- A litigation case involving a claim for an interim injunction against Korea Exchange on delisting of company G

- A litigation case involving a claim for delivery of shares in relation to acquisition of a cable broadcasting company

- A case on breach of the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Economic Crimes (breach of duty, embezzlement) by the chairman of S bank

- A litigation case on KIKO filed against bank S and bank K

- A litigation case involving counterfeited checks in the amount of KRW 10 billion

- A litigation case involving a claim for return of point mall payment made in the amount of KRW 16 billion in relation to GS Retail

- A litigation case involving a claim for delivery of leased item between Hana Capital and another capital company

- Advising on share transaction between Hyundai Merchant Marine and Hyundai Express

- Advising Doosan Group on acquiring Chung Ang University

- Advising on sale of shares in Kaya Internet Development Co., Ltd. (Kaya CC) and related bidding

- Advising on the responsibility over investment losses of an investment association (venture investment M, technology investment S)

- Advising Korea Securities Finance Corporation, Industrial Bank of Korea, Woori Bank, Hana Bank, Hana-SK Card, Hana Life Insurance, KTB PE, eBest & Securities, Meritz Securities, Cornerstone Asset Management, Samsung Fire and Marine Insurance, COEX, SK Rental Car, P2P lenders

Administrative Matters

- A litigation case involving a claim for cancellation of disposition on recovery of oil import surcharge in the amount of KRW 100 billion

- A litigation case involving a claim for cancellation of the disposition imposed by the Financial Services Commission suspending the business of credit card companies that have leaked customer information

- An administrative litigation case related to amendment of the general terms and conditions of auto insurance

- A litigation case on cancellation of correction order and penalty payment order in relation to rebates provided by a pharmaceutical company

- A case involving a claim for cancellation of disposition imposing surcharges against price colluding acts among TRS exclusive distribtors

- A case involving a claim for cancellation of disposition imposing surcharges against vertical price colluding acts of TRS exclusive distributor in Korea and Motorola Korea

- A case involving a claim for cancellation of disposition imposing gift tax against major officers of company S and daily newspaper company C

- A case involving a claim for cancellation of disposition imposing gift tax against the interest and premium of specific bonds (so-called “don’t ask bonds”) prescribed under the Act on Real Name Financial Transactions and Confidentiality

- Cases involving claims for confirmation of invalidity of dismissal of professors of Chung Ang University and Kyung Hee University

- Advising on the approval of Dr. Hwang Woo-suk’s research plans on cloning somatic cells

- Advising on whether any support facilities other than Korean traditional medicine facilities may be established in the site for support facilities in Osong Biovalley

- Advising on those who are to become subject to Article 33-2 of the advised Welfare of Senior Citizens Act

- Advising on the possibility to implement payback system for rare and essential medical and drug products


- A litigation case involving a claim for damages in the amount of KRW 120 billion in relation to manipulation of a bioequivalence test

- A litigation case involving a claim for damages in relation to breach of duty by a company (worth approximately KRW 80 billion) against its former representative director

- A litigation case involving a dispute over the investment (35 billion won value) made in overseas oil field development

- Litigation cases related to and advising on large-scale construction projects, including Jeju Dream Tower Resort Complex and Bucheon Shinjung-dong Land Mark Prugio projects

- Cases on breach the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Crimes (tax evasion)


- Problems with the Current Laws Pertaining to Operation Restriction and Improvements, Master’s decree thesis, Korea University, 2006

- Issues of Tax Imposition on Bonds Specified Under the Act on the Real Name Financial Transactions and Guarantee of Secrecy, Litigation Material Book XI, Seoul High Prosecutors’ Office, 2007

- Start Point of Litigation Period of Time when a Decision on Re-Investigation is Made, Regulation and Court Book I, Research Society of Regulatory Law, 2013

- Understanding and Legal Issues of LIBOR Manipulation Scandal, BFL No. 62, Seoul National University Finance Law Center, 2013

- Understanding the LIBOR Scandal and Its Impact On the Korean Financial Market, Korea Uninversity Law Review, vol. 15, Spring 2014

- Causal Relationship between Fraud and Damage in a Fraudulent Transaction under the Securities Law in the U.S. and Korea: Based on Dura Pharmaceuticals, Inc. v. Broudo, 544 U.S. 336 (2005) and Seoul High Court Decision rendered on January 10, 2013 as Judgment numbered 2010Na84682, Legal Journal vol. 46, Seoul Bar Association, 2014

- A Study on Solution of the Issues Regarding Trade Secret, Law & Technology (Book 11, Vol. 2), Seoul National University Center for Law & Technology, 2015

- Basic Lease Practice for Credit Evaluators, Korea Banking Institute, 2015

- Major Issues concerning Lawsuits concerned with Excessive Refund Amount of Imported Oil Tax, Korean Regulatory Law and Policy, Vol. 5, Korea University ICR Law Center, Research Society for Regulatory Law, 2016

- A Study on Finance and Insurance Law – Theories and Practice of Finance and Insurance Law, Barun Finance and Insurance Law Research Society, Barun Law LLC, 2016

- Secrets of Fintech according to Attorney Kim, Samil Infomine, 2018





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