법무법인바른 사이트는 IE11이상 혹은 타 브라우저에서
정상적으로 구동되도록 구현되었습니다.

익스플로러 10 이하버전에서는 브라우저 버전 업데이트 혹은
엣지, 크롬, 사파리등의 다른 브라우저로 접속을 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.

李鳳淳 구성원변호사


  • 2014 Admitted to the Bar of New York
  • 2013Passed the Bar of New York
  • 2013Indiana University Bloomington Maurer School of Law (LL.M.)
  • 2007Kyungpook National University Graduate School of Law
  • 2006Judicial Research and Training Institute of the Supreme Court of Korea (35th)
  • 2004College of Law, Kyungpook National University (Summa cum laude, early graduation)
  • 2003Passed the Bar Exam (45th)
  • 1996Geochang Daeseong High School


  • 2019 ~ PresentPartner, Barun Law LLC
  • 2021Real Estate Registered as Specialty Field with the Korean Bar Association
  • 2021Legal Advisor, Korea Real Estate Board (former Korea Appraisal Board)
  • 2018 ~ 2019Partner, The Lead Law
  • 2016Konkuk University Graduate School of Real Estate Studies CEO Program (26th)
  • 2015Registered “Redevelopment and Reconstruction” as specialty field with the Korean Bar Association
  • 2014Construction and Real Estate Law Training Center, Seoul Bar Association (1st)
  • 2006 ~ 2018Associate and Partner, Barun Law LLC

주요 업무 및 활동

- A case involving Gwacheon Jugong ApartmentComplex regarding which the reconstruction management disposition plans werecancelled
- A case involving Banpo Jugong Apartment Complex regardingwhich the reconstruction management disposition plans were found invalid
- A case involving Sanbon Jugong Apartment Complexregarding which the reconstruction project commencement approval was cancelled
- A case involving Sogok Area regarding which theredevelopment and maintenance zone designation and association creationapproval were found invalid
- A case involving Eungam No. 2 Area of which thevalidity of its redevelopment resolution passed by the general meeting was suspended
- A case involving provisional disposition,criminal litigation and advisory service concerning the redevelopment of GaepoApartment Complex 1
- A case involving Garak Siyoung HousingReconstruction Project regarding which the project commencement plan approvalwas found invalid, and related damages case concerning the right to sunlight
- Advised on the reconstruction of Jamsil CloverApartment Complex
- A case involving Daechi Old Town of which theapproval given for creation of an association concerning reconstruction wasfound invalid
- A case involving Jeo-dong Area 2 regarding whichthe designation as urban environmental maintenance project area was foundinvalid and a case where eminent domain was cancelled
- A case involving Buk-Ahyeon redevelopment associationcreation approval was cancelled
- A case involving cancellation of thereconstruction developer appointed by Nam Seoul Hanyang Apartment Complex
- A case involving cancellation of the redevelopmentmanagement disposition plans of Geumho Area 19
- A case involving cancellation of eminent domain imposedon Ahyeon Area 4
- A case involving Seocho Shindonga ApartmentComplex regarding which the creation of reconstruction association was foundinvlid and a case that prohibited the convening of the general meeting
- A case involving Bucheon Dongshin ApartmentComplex regarding which the reconstruction management disposition plans werecancelled, and a case concerning a claim for sale
- A case involving Busan Jaesong Area 2 regardingwhich the redevelopment project commencement plan was found invalid
- A case involving a claim for sale in connectionwith Daegu Daegongwon Apartment Complex reconstruction
- A case involving Dongja-dong Area 4 with regardto the urban environmental maintenance project to which the disposition imposingthe acquisition tax was cancelled
- A case where a claim was filed by a member of areconstruction association against another member to carry out the procedure tochange name
Advice to Public Institutions, etc.
- Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport; NationalHealth Insurance Service
- Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, Incheon City,Seongnam City
- Construction Guarantee Cooperative, Korea FlourMills Industrial Association
- Gangwondo Development Corporation, KOITA
- Seoul Jung-gu Office, Government EmployeesPension Corporation
Corporate Advisory
- Advising Dongbu Engineering on the appointmentof constructor
- Advising Samsung-Medison on the breach of theUnfair Competition Prevention and Trade Secret Protection Act
- Advising KOITA on dealing with the cancellationof company-affiliated research and development center
- Advising Hanvat Group (Hanvat Co., Ltd., BandoJawon Co., Ltd., etc.) on general corporate advisory matters
Commercial Matters
- A case concerning card companies with regard toconfirmation of nonexistence of debt under installment finance contracts
- A litigation case concerning KT’sagency contract
- A case involving Hyundai Securities concerning aclaim made for contract amount andrecourse amount (approximately KRW 300 billion in value)
- A litigation case filed by shareholders againstthe chairman of a large company (KRW 1 trillion)
- A case concerning a claim for damages withregard to losses from investing in real estate fund
Civil Matters
- A case concerning a claim for construction paymentamount with regard to a temple of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism
- A case concerning a claim for confirmation of statusof a church belonging to The General Assembly of Presbyterian Church of Korea asa party to the relevant contract
- A case concerning a claim failed by the familiesof a same clan for damages in connection with a social welfare entity
- A case concerning a claimfiled to prohibit construction work due to noise, etc
- A case concerning farm land, name trust and thereal estate trust law
- A criminal case concerning damages to reputationin connection with a blog and a civil case claiming for damages
- A case concerning a claim filed for thesettlement amount between business partners of a hospital
Human Resources, Labor Matters
- A case concerning a claim for confirmation ofinvalidity of dismissal carried out by the National Health Insurance Service(NHIS) and cancellation of unfair labor practice
- A case concerning a disposition that deniedreinstatement of a university professor
- A case concerning a claim for damages followingindustrial accident involving Doosan Heavy Industries
- Advising Hyundai Motor and KIA Motor oncollective bargaining and rules of employment
Criminal Matters
- A case involving white-collar crime, corporatemanagement and public servants
- A case concerning the breach of the PublicOfficial Election Act and the Unfair Competition Prevention and Trade SecretProtection Act
- A case concerning the capital markets act
- A case involving sexual assault/crime committedagainst the disabled and in public transport, such as the subway
Administrative Matters
- Cases concerning cancellation of the approvedgolf course plan and designated area for preservation of traditional temples
- Cases concerning cancellation of vehicletransport business license and cancellation of driver’s license
- Cases concerning cancellation of charges imposedfor forced compliance pursuant to the Building Act (criminal case included), andcancellation of building permit rejection, etc.
- A case concerning a claim for compensation forlosses in connection with river area
- Cases concerning cancellation of refusal tochange area unit plan, cancellation of disposition that is to impose fees forthe use of port facilities, and cancellation of disposition that imposes penaltysurcharge
- A case concerning cancellation of disposition statingthat the relevant person is not accepted as a person of national merit
Domestic Affairs, Inheritance
- A divorce case involving the daughter of achairman of a large company
- A case involving adult conservatorship due todementia
- A divorce case carried out in Korea due to acriminal case that took place in the U.S.
- A case concerning division of property and legalportion of inheritance by and among members of a family
- A case concerning the legal portion ofinheritance with regard to property that was donated to a foundation


- The 3rd Award to the 21st Leaders (2004)





[부동산]도시개발사업조합이 임원회의․대의원회의를 통하여 조합원의 출자 및 배당에 관한 결의를 할 수 있는지

[재건축·형사]재건축조합의 조합장 후보가 금품을 교부 받을 당시의 조합장 선거에서는 낙선하고 그 뒤의 조합장 선거에서 당선된 경우 사전수뢰죄로 처벌할 수 있는지 여부

[행정]군복무 중 부주상골(전모지) 증후군이 발병한 사안에서 보훈보상대상자에 해당된다고 한 사례

[재건축]재건축 사업부지의 약 8.5%를 보유한 상가소유자를 배제한 채 상가를 짓지 않는 내용으로 동의 받은 재건축 조합설립은 무효

[선거 관련 공소사실] 정치자금법위반 등으로 기소되어 제1심에서 징역 8월에 집행유예 2년의 당선무효형을 선고받은 속초시장의 항소심 사건에서 주된 공소사실인 4,500만 원의 정치자금 수수의 점에 대하여 무죄 판단을 받고 부수적 공소사실에 대하여 벌금 90만 원을 선고받아 시장직을 유지하게 된 사례

[건설·부동산] 토지구획정리사업지구 내에서 학교용지 부분만을 해제한 사례

[병원영업권] 3인이 공동으로 병원을 운영하다가 1인이 탈퇴(해지)한 후 정산금을 청구하여 상당한 액수의 영업권을 인정받은 사안

[재건축] 재건축 아파트 매수 후 신탁등기 시, 매도인의 불협조 상황에서의 조합원 인정 사례

군 복무 중 사고에 대하여 보훈처에서 보훈보상대상자로 인정하지 않아 법원의 판결을 통하여 보훈보상대상자로 인정받았지만, 보훈처에서 또 다시 ‘상이등급기준에 미달’된다는 거부결정을 한 사안

[민사] 사해행위취소 사건이 중복적으로 제기된 사건의 대법원에서 상고이유서 제출기간이 지난 후에 권리보호이익이 없다는 주장을 한 것이 받아들여져, 파기환송판결을 받은 사안

[부동산] 토지수용에 있어서 공부상으로는 ‘도’, ‘전’으로 되어 있으나 실제 현황인 대지로 보상받은 사안

[부동산] 재건축 조합원이 분양신청을 하지 않아 현금청산 대상자가 된 후 조합의 기존 감정가 및 법원 감정가보다 상당히 높은 비율의 청산금을 인정받은 사안

[경매·근저당권말소·배당이의] 근저당권의 채무원인 서류 중 특히 지연배상금률이 ‘공란’ 등으로 되어 있어, 제1심에서 지연배상금으로 상법 소정의 6% 등으로 판단하였으나 항소심에서 지연배상금으로 연 24% 또는 연 24.5%를 인정받은 사안

[지역주택조합] 지역주택조합의 비대위를 구성한 조합원들이 임시총회소집요구, 법원의 임시총회소집허가 결정을 받아 종전 임원 전원을 해임 및 새로운 임원 전원을 선임하는 등 성공적으로 이룬 사안

[민사] 총판 지위에 있는 회사가 물품공급사를 상대로 약 15억 원의 손해배상금을 청구한 사건에서 물품공급사를 소송 대리하여 청구를 전부 기각해 승소한 사례

[건설·부동산] ‘단군 이래 최대 재개발사업’의 관리처분 총회결의의 효력을 정지한 사례

[건설, 부동산] 조합장을 해임하고 해임총회 개최비용 추인의 안건도 가결한 사안

[건설·부동산] 상가건물 유리 외벽에 개설된 출입문의 철거 및 원상복구를 명한 1심 판결을 뒤집고 출입문의 현상 유지를 이끌어낸 사례