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익스플로러 10 이하버전에서는 브라우저 버전 업데이트 혹은
엣지, 크롬, 사파리등의 다른 브라우저로 접속을 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.

Song, Bong Jun 구성원변호사

구성원 소개

After serving as judge for 14 years at the Seoul District Court, the Seoul High Court, etc., SONG, Bong Jun joined Barun Law LLC in 2010. During his tenure at the judicial system of Korea, he dealt with diverse civil, criminal and family (divorce) cases, including applications for provisional attachment and provisional disposition. Mr. Song is also recognized that he greatly contributed to the informatization of the conduct of judicial affairs when he participated in the projects launched by the Supreme Court of Korea to improve a general legislation service and to publish the Bupgoeul LX as the Director General for Investigative Research of Supreme Court of Korea. Since practicing law at Barun Law LLC, he has primarily represented clients in criminal matters, and has shown excellent capabilities of defending and representing clients. Mr. Song successfully defended the accused who had been sentenced with 3-year imprisonment in a district court to obtain a judgment of an acquittal at a high court and the Supreme Court of Korea. In addition, he successfully represented his client in a case filed to claim the payment of indemnity equivalent to KRW 300 billion. He also received attention when he successfully defended his client against Seoul Broadcasting System to obtain the payment of the highest amount of consolation money in the judicial history.


  • 1996Judicial Research and Training Institute of the Supreme Court of Korea (25th)
  • 1993Passed the Bar Exam (35th), Korea
  • 1994College of Law, Seoul National University (LL.B.)
  • 1989Masan Jungang High School


  • 2010 ~ presentPartner, Barun Law LLC
  • 2021.07Senior Advisory Member, Korea Institute of Registered Architects
  • 2020Obtained a qualification for a lawyer specialized in divorce matters from the Korean Bar Association
  • 2019Advisory Member, Korea Institute of Registered Architects
  • 2009 ~ 2010Judge, Seoul High Court
  • 2007 ~ 2009Director General for Investigative Research, Supreme Court of Korea
  • 2005 ~ 2007Judge (Public Information Officer), Seoul Southern District Court
  • 2004 ~ 2005Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature, France Law Clerk, Paris District Court
  • 1996 ~ 2003Judge, Daejeon District Court, Seosan Branch of Daejeon District Court, Taean-gun/ Dangjin-gun Branch under Seosan Branch of Daejeon District Court, Suwon District Court, and Seoul Central District Court

주요 업무 및 활동

Criminal Matters

- Representing in a case involving the officers and employees of LIG Nexone concerning breach of the Act on the Aggravated Punishment of Specific Economic Crimes – Mr. Song successfully defended the accused persons who alleged committed fraud in the amount of KRW 50 billion and relocated corporate assets equivalent to KRW 9.7 billion abroad, as the accused persons were found not guilty

- Representing a former police officer, who was found guilty by the district court on charges of receiving money from a club in the Burning Sun case, from the appellate court to obtain a ruling that found the accused person not guilty by making use of cutting-edge evidence methods, including Google Timeline

-Representing a money lender that was sentenced to three years of imprisonment by the district court for committing fraud in the amount of KRW 7.9 billion and embezzling KRW 2.1 billion from the appellate court and obtained a ruling that found the accused person not guilty on all charges

Civil Matters

- Representing in a litigation action filed against Seoul Broadcasting System (SBS) seeking compensation for defamation and successfully obtained KRW 300 million of compensation money for the plaintiff, which was the highest consolation amount ever rendered in the judicial history

- Representing in a litigation action where a claim was filed for damages against the Republic of Korea for unfair investigative practices of the police and prevailed, ultimately awarded KRW 40 million as consolation money

- A litigation action filed by Pacific Investment Co., Ltd. against KT Corporation seeking for damages for unfair practices – Mr. Song successfully represented his client by signing settlement through mediation where the parties agreed on the payment of damages equivalent to KRW 2.5 billion

- A litigation action filed by Hynix Semiconductors Co., Ltd. against Hyundai Securities claiming for recourse amount – Mr. Song successfully represented his client by winning the case, where the cost of litigation amounted to KRW 300 billion

Administrative Matters

- A case on cancellation of a disposition approving the establishment of an association for the reconstruction of Bukahhyun Reconstruction Promotion District II

- A case on cancellation of a disposition imposing surtax in the amount of KRW 27 billion to the gift tax imposed against Booyoung Group Chairman Lee Joong-Keun

- A case through which the urban planning decision carried out by the Seoul Metropolitan Government was cancelled by demonstrating that the plan was a mere formality that prevented actual effects


- A case involving a claim for the return of legal reserve of KRW 7 billion out of total amount of inherited property amounting to KRW 60 billion among heirs – Mr. Song successfully represented his client and won the case under which the claim for the return of legal reserve was dismissed


- A divorce case involving a woman who devoted herself to housework affairs as a full-time housewife during nine years of marriage – Mr. Song successfully represented his client by obtaining a total amount of KRW 2.7 billion by way of division of property (KRW 1.1 billion (existing amount belonging to the client) + KRW 1.6 billion (additional amount from division of property))

- Prevailed in a division of property case, which was initially fully lost before the district court, before the appellate court, where the debt of the client was recognized as joint property of the husband and the wife

- Represented the client from the appellate case, after the client’s claim for divorce was dismissed by the district court, and successfully proved before the appellate court that the client’s marriage was no longer feasible as the husband and wife have lived separately for a long period and won the case with the client’s claims accepted by the court, although the client was recognized as the spouse responsible for the breakdown of marriage by the district court


Obtained a qualification for a lawyer specialized in divorce matters from the Korean Bar Association





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[형사] “특가법상 횡령, 배임 있었더라도 ‘합리적 경영판단’이면 처벌 못한다” 낫소(Nassau) 전 대표이사 000사장에 대한 횡령, 배임사건 무죄 이끌어

[형사] “검사에 의해 조작된 신문조서는 증거능력 없다” 전 00시장, 20억원 뇌물 약속 및 2억3천만원 뇌물사건 무죄 이끌어내

[이혼] 1심에서 전부패소한 재산분할사건을 2심에서 수임해 의뢰인의 채무를 부부공동재산으로 인정받아 일부승소

[형사] 서울중앙지방법원 영장전담판사들의 형사수석부장에 대한 보고가 직무상의 정당한 행위임을 밝혀 무죄판결을 받은 사안

[병원영업권] 3인이 공동으로 병원을 운영하다가 1인이 탈퇴(해지)한 후 정산금을 청구하여 상당한 액수의 영업권을 인정받은 사안

[형사] 버닝썬 클럽의 공동대표이사로부터 미성년자 출입사건 무마시켜주는 대가로 금품 수수했다는 혐의

[형사] 새로 추가되었지만 잘 활용하지 않아 사문화되다시피 한 형법 제39조 제1항 후단을 적용시켜 형 면제 판결을 이끌어낸 사례

[가사]유책배우자의 이혼청구가 1심에서 인용되었는데, 항소심에서 남편과 아내의 성(젠더, gender)를 대치하여 패러디 방식으로 변론하고 새로운 추가 유책사유를 입증하여 1심을 취소하고 유책배우자의 이혼청구를 기각시킨 사례

[가사]이혼과 재산분할 사건에서 아내를 대리하였는바, ①남편이 아내에게 자기 회사 주식을 명의신탁하였다고 반환을 구하는 청구에 대하여는, 이런 청구는 민사청구로서 가정법원에 청구할 수 없다는 사유를 내세워 기각시키고, ②아파트 재산분할에 관하여는 취득시 담보대출금까지 포함하면 남편이 더 많은 대금을 부담하였지만, 담보대출금을 받기까지는 아내가 더 많이 부담하였음을 주장하여 담보대출금을 제외한 매수대금만을 기초로 하여 아내의 기여도가 더 높다는 판단을 받아낸 사례

[지식재산] 상표권을 양도하면서 환매약정과 동시에 Sale & Lease back 조항까지 두어 매도인이 양도 후에도 상표권을 계속 사용하다가 사용기한이 만료되었는데, 매도인은 이때까지 지급한 사용료가 이미 매도대금에 대하여 이자제한법에서 정한 제한이자 및 원금의 합계를 넘는다고 주장하며 무조건으로 상표권의 반환을 구한 사안에서, Sale & Lease back 조항과 환매약정이 결합된 경우 자금조달적 성격을 띄는 것은 맞지만 그렇다고 하여 이자제한법의 적용을 받는 것은 아니라고 주장하여 반환청구를 기각한 사례

[형사] 속칭 ‘기획부동산’ 사기죄 및 무등록 다단계판매업(판매액 합계 1750억원)의 범죄사실로 기소된 피고인들에 전부 무죄 판단을 받아낸 사례

[상속증여] 800억원대 상속재산 분쟁을 소송 없이 협의로 이끈 사례

[가사] 이혼 재산분할 사건에서 전업주부의 기여도를 65% 인정한 사례

[가사] 17살 연하 아내가 결혼생활 재미없다고 제기한 이혼청구에서 남편 대리해 청구를 배척한 사례

[개인자산관리] 공동상속인 중 일부가 약 140억 원의 부동산에 대하여 상속인들을 상대로 소유권이전등기절차 이행을 구한 사건에서 망인의 진의에 불합치하는 사인증여계약의 진정성립을 부인하고 원고청구를 기각시켜 전부 승소한 사례