법무법인바른 사이트는 IE11이상 혹은 타 브라우저에서
정상적으로 구동되도록 구현되었습니다.

익스플로러 10 이하버전에서는 브라우저 버전 업데이트 혹은
엣지, 크롬, 사파리등의 다른 브라우저로 접속을 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.

白昌元 구성원변호사


  • 2020Obtained ISO37001 Anti-Bribery Management System Certification from Global Personnel Certification
  • 2019Passed the 22nd Certified Investment Manager (CIM) Exam
  • 2004Judicial Research and Training Institute of the Supreme Court of Korea (33rd)
  • 2001Passed the Bar Exam (43rd), Korea
  • 2001College of Law, Kookmin University (LL.B.)
  • 1995Seoul Jayang High School


  • 2019 ~ presentPartner, Barun Law LLC
  • 2020External Auditor, DH Plus Co., Ltd.
  • 20202020 External Auditor, ESG Co., Ltd.
  • 2019Promoter/Director, AHHA Asset Management Co., Ltd.
  • 2018 ~ PresentMember, Case Law Commentary Committee, The Law Times
  • 2018Director, AHHA Partners Co., Ltd.
  • 2017Adjunct Professor, Kookmin University College of Law
  • 2016 ~ PresentMember, Data Disclosure Deliberations Committee of Seoul Central District Court
  • 2015 ~ Present Member, Reward and Punishment Sectional Committee of KLPGA
  • 2014 ~ 2018Partner, Barun Law LLC
  • 2010 ~ 2013Associate, Barun Law LLC
  • 2009 ~ 2010Judge, Seoul Central District Court (in charge of white collar crime, breach of unfair competition prevention act)
  • 2007 ~ 2009Judge, Incheon District Court (in charge of construction, IPR)
  • 2004 ~ 2007Judge Advocate, Republic of Korea Navy

주요 업무 및 활동

Construction, Real Estate, Funds

- Representing Golden Bridge Asset Management Co., Ltd. construction payment and establishment of mortgage (KRW 90.3 billion)

- Representing the Military Mutual Aid Association in a case regarding claim for construction payment (KRW 23.6 billion)

- Representing Hanshin Engineering and Construction in a counterclaim case for construction payment for Wolmido Eunha Rail (KRW 80 billion)

- Representing SK E&C Co., Ltd. in a case regarding a lawsuit to confirm the status as the qualified person for the working design

- Representing Daewoo E&C, Keumho E&C, etc. in a case concerning a claim for construction payment in the amount of KRW 10 billion

- Representing Korea Express Corp. in a case where a claim was filed for damages following termination of construction work contract

- Representing Hyundai E&C in a case on unjust enrichment concerned with dividends in connection with Incheon Geomdan New City Project

- Representing Hanwha Savings Bank in a case on dividends concerned with Gangnam Iz Tower

- Representing in a case involving a meat loan in the amount of KRW 17 billion

- Representing NH Investment & Securities in a case where an objection was filed against dividends concerning Daedong Housing

- Representing REF Golden Bridge Special Asset Investment Trust Fund No. 8 (KRW 65 billion), No. 9 (KRW 25 billion) in a case concerning a claim for damages

- A case involving additional construction payment amount of approximately KRW 4.3 billion concerning community energy service (turnkey contract) of Jinju Innovative City

- A case involving return of down payment in the amount of approximately KRW 20 billion following completion delay of Jeju Dream Tower construction

Management Disputes

- Representing in a case involving Dh Plus Co., Ltd. in a case concerning claim for provisional disposition to prohibit access to and copying of the accounting books and for confirmation of invalidity of new shares issued and nonexistence of status of director, and a claim for removal of a director and provisional attachment and provisional disposition shares

- Representing in a case involving Nexen Heroes on a claim for transfer of shares, provisional disposition to prohibit issuance of new shares, and confirmation of invalidity of new shares issued

- Representing in a case involving a newly listed company, EN3, on a provisional disposition to prohibit issuance of new shares and suspend the effectiveness of a resolution passed by the BOD

- Representing in a case involving a listed company, Aimhigh Global, on a claim for provisional disposition to prohibit issuance of new shares and for confirmation of status of a director, and a provisional disposition to suspend the effectiveness of a resolution passed by the BOD

- Representing in a case involving Korea Association of Realtors on a claim filed for provisional disposition to suspend performance of task, confirmation of invalidity of election, provisional disposition to prohibit tabling agenda, and provisional disposition to prohibit holding of the meeting of the Central Ethics Committee

- Representing in a case involving Korean Veterans Association on provisional disposition to suspend elections

- Representing in a management right-related lawsuit on assignment of shares in Nexen Heroes

Commercial and Government Contracts

- Representing in a class action lawsuit involving the victims of humidifier disinfectant, who sought for damages)

- Representing in a case involving KORAIL on a claim for freight costs in the amount of KRW 100 billion

- Representing in a case where a claim was filed to prohibit the use of domain name and infringement of patent

- Representing in a case involving SK Telecom on a claim for confirmation of nullification of SK Telecom’s appointment as preferred bidder

- Representing in a case involving Maniker on a claim for confirmation of withdrawal of deposit money

- Representing in a case concerning a claim for stock resale by a venture capital firm

- Representing in a case concerning a claim for nullification of a trust agreement against a real estate trust company


- Representing in a case regarding manipulation against delta hedge transactions

- Representing in a case regarding manipulation against securities broadcasters of Wow TV, etc.

- Representing in a case regarding breach of the Act on Aggravated Punishment, Etc. of Specific Economic Crimes (breach of trust) with regard to unreasonable transactions between affiliate companies

- Representing in a case regarding breach of the Act on Aggravated Punishment, Etc. of Specific Crimes (taxation) concerning the residency of the person involved in a case involving vessels

- Representing in a case regarding acceptance of bribe against Commissioner of the Korea Communications Commission

- Representing in a case regarding breach of the Act on Aggravated Punishment, Etc. of Specific Economic Crimes (breach of trust) against president of a savings bank

- Representing in a case involving company T where subsidies were illegally taken

- Representing in a case regarding breach of the Act on Aggravated Punishment, Etc. of Specific Economic Crimes (embezzlement) by the management of Nexen Heroes baseball team

-Representing in a case involving the former director of the National Intelligence Service concerning offer of bribe, such as in the form of special project costs


2019 Obtained ISO37001 Anti-Bribery Management System Certification from Global Personnel Certification

2020 Passed the 22nd Certified Investment Manager (CIM) Exam





[경제범죄] “비상장주식 저가매도에 대한 배임죄는 해당주식의 객관적 가치 증명이 되어야 성립하고, 그렇지 않으면 처벌할 수 없다.“

[민사] 제1심 판결을 뒤집고, 수도권 도시철도 운영기관 사이에 약 1,000억 원 상당의 연락운임 정산을 이끌어 낸 사례

[금융] 지급 완료된 환매대금을 임의로 인출한 금융기관에 대하여 예탁금 반환을 청구한 사안

[경매·근저당권말소·배당이의] 근저당권의 채무원인 서류 중 특히 지연배상금률이 ‘공란’ 등으로 되어 있어, 제1심에서 지연배상금으로 상법 소정의 6% 등으로 판단하였으나 항소심에서 지연배상금으로 연 24% 또는 연 24.5%를 인정받은 사안

[지역주택조합] 지역주택조합의 비대위를 구성한 조합원들이 임시총회소집요구, 법원의 임시총회소집허가 결정을 받아 종전 임원 전원을 해임 및 새로운 임원 전원을 선임하는 등 성공적으로 이룬 사안

[민사] 기존 건물관리인과 용역계약을 체결한 업체(원고)가 새로운 건물관리인(피고)에게 포괄적 계약인수를 이유로 용역비 지급을 구한 사건에서 1심 판결을 뒤집고 항소심에서 승소판결을 이끈 사례

[민사] 허위의 거래서류 등이 제출된 여신거래(미트론)에서 선순위 양도담보권의 유효성을 인정한 사례

[형사] 특수상해로 기소된 피고인에 대하여 유일한 증거인 피해자의 진술을 탄핵함으로써 전체 무죄를 이끌어 낸 사례

[행정] 양천구청장 및 서울시장이 원고들의 원고들 소유 토지 및 건물들을 도시계획시설결정의 대상에서 제외할 것을 내용으로 하는 도시계획 입안제안 및 변경신청에 대하여 한 거부처분의 취소를 구하는 사건에서 1심 판결을 뒤집고 항소심에서 승소판결을 이끈 사례

[민사] 총판 지위에 있는 회사가 물품공급사를 상대로 약 15억 원의 손해배상금을 청구한 사건에서 물품공급사를 소송 대리하여 청구를 전부 기각해 승소한 사례

[지식재산] 특허권 및 디자인권을 보유한 상대방의 전방위적 지식재산권 행사를 전부 무력화한 사례

[행정] 재량권의 일탈, 남용 주장으로 도로점용허가 거부처분의 취소를 받은 사건

[형사] 179억원 상당의 뇌물수수 및 지역주택조합에 대한 배임 등 혐의로 기소된 피고인에 대하여 제1심 판결을 뒤집고 전부 무죄를 받아낸 사례