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익스플로러 10 이하버전에서는 브라우저 버전 업데이트 혹은
엣지, 크롬, 사파리등의 다른 브라우저로 접속을 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.

Suk, Ho Chul 구성원변호사

구성원 소개

Attorney SUK, Ho Chul began his legal career as a judge at the Busan District Court in 1983 followed by research judge at the Supreme Court of Korea, professor of the Judicial Research and Training Institute of the Supreme Court of Korea, director of personnel affairs at the National Court Administration, among many others. He joined Barun Law LLC in 2007 as a partner attorney after retiring as a senior judge at the Seoul High Court. He is an expert in administration law and as such he served as the head of the administration team while serving as a research judge at the Supreme Court, taught administration law and administrative procedure law at the Judicial Research and Training Institute, and has published a number of articles as one of the central members of the Administrative Precedents Research Society. In addition, Attorney Suk smoothly carried out the slush fund case involving the chairman of H group, and as such, he is recognized in overall litigation for his excellent capabilities in various types of dispute matters, including management disputes and construction/real estate disputes.


  • 1980Judicial Research and Training Institute of the Supreme Court of Korea (10th)
  • 1978Passed the Bar Exam (20th), Korea
  • 1978College of Law, Seoul National University
  • 1974Daegu Kyeongbuk High School


  • 2022 ~ presentPartner, Barun Law LLC
  • 2019 ~ 2021Managing Partner, Barun Law LLC
  • 2007 ~ 2018Partner, Barun Law LLC
  • 2002 ~ 2007Senior Judge, Busan High Court; Director of Personnel Affairs, National Court Administration of the Supreme Court of Korea; Senior Judge, Seoul High Court
  • 1995 ~ 2002Senior Judge, Daegu District Court; Professor, Judicial Research and Training Institute of the Supreme Court of Korea; Senior Judge, Seoul District Court
  • 1993 ~ 1995Research Judge, Supreme Court of Korea
  • 1983 ~ 1993Judge, Busan District Court, Incheon District Court, Eastern Branch of the Seoul District Court, Seoul High Court, Seoul Criminal District Court

주요 업무 및 활동


- Representing and advising in a case regarding cancellation of management disposition plan for redevelopment of Gwacheon Jugong Apartment 

- Representing and advising in a case regarding confirmation of nullification of establishment approval disposition for establishment of Shingil-dong Apartment Redevelopment Union   

- Representing and advising in a case regarding cancellation of business suspension disposition due to inadequate supervision by Yooshin Corporation   

- Representing and advising in a case cancelling the disposition returning the application for approval of housing construction business plans with regard to Chinhung International Inc.   

- Representing and advising in a case regarding an order to remove an advertising tower installed at a highway roadside with regard to Geosung Ad 

- Representing and advising in a case regarding cancellation of disposition approving housing construction business plans due to abuse of discretionary power by Changse    

- Representing and advising in a case regarding cancellation of corporate tax against World Town Co., Ltd. due to the breach of the prohibition of overlapping investigation

Criminal Matters

- Representing in a case regarding embezzlement of slush funds and breach of trust by the chairman of Hyundai group

- Representing in a case regarding embezzlement of damages due to the cancellation of Rain’s Hawaii performance

- Representing in a fraudulent litigation case due to old stock of Byucksan Engineering and Construction Co., Ltd.

- Representing in a case with regard to the breach of trust by the representative director of Shinhan in relation to an M&A

- Representing in a tax evasion case concerning the shipping tycoon

Civil Matters

- Representing and advising Kangwon Land Inc. in a case regarding a claim for ski resort construction payment

- Representing and advising in a case confirming stockholders’ rights of Chun-ma Express

- Representing and advising in a case regarding claim for sale and purchase payment with regard to Dankuk University land


- Annotated Administrative Procedure Act (Pakyoungsa, 2004)

- The Effect of Commencement Decision of Auction (Trial Collection Materials Vol. 35, 1987)

- Necessary Conditions of Unfair Labor Practices (Human Right and Justice No. 185, 1992)

- Additional Administrative Provisions (Trial Materials Vol. 68, 1995)

- Sameness of Grounds for Disposition regarding the Scope of Acceleration (Study of Administrative Precedents Vol. 5, 2000).





[형사]선박왕 권혁 조세포탈사건의 제2심 판결 - 주요 부분 무죄판결

[노동] 대법원, “노조 사무실 전기료, 회사가 안 내도 된다”

[재건축·형사]재건축조합의 조합장 후보가 금품을 교부 받을 당시의 조합장 선거에서는 낙선하고 그 뒤의 조합장 선거에서 당선된 경우 사전수뢰죄로 처벌할 수 있는지 여부

[노동]기간제 근로자의 기간제 근무기간을 장기근속수당 산정을 위한 근속기간에 포함시키지 아니한 것이 기간제법(기간제 및 단시간근로자 보호 등에 관한 법률)에서 금지하는 차별적 처우인지 여부

[민사] 동덕여대 설립자 변경 판결을 2심에서 뒤집고 전부 승소 후 대법원 승소 확정판결까지 선고받은 사례

[민사] 제1심 판결을 뒤집고, 수도권 도시철도 운영기관 사이에 약 1,000억 원 상당의 연락운임 정산을 이끌어 낸 사례

[형사, 행정사건] 선박왕 조세포탈 형사사건 대부분 무죄확정 및 조세부과처분취소 행정사건 파기환송

[건설재건축] 보험회사를 상대로 120억 원이 넘는 추가공사비를 건설보험금으로 청구한 사건에서 보험회사를 대리하여 청구를 전부 기각한 사안

[지식재산] 서울지하철 자동안내방송 저작권 소송

[건설·부동산] 대형건설사가 보험회사를 상대로 180억 원이 넘는 추가공사비를 건설보험금으로 청구한 사건에서 보험회사를 소송대리하여 99%의 청구를 전부 기각한 사례

[행정] 다수의 공적 서류에 민간업자가 수허가권자로 기재되어 있음에도 관광진흥법령의 해석 등을 통해 지자체가 농지전용 수허가권자임을 밝힌 사건

[건설·부동산] 28만여 평 규모의 도시개발사업 조합원들이 환지계획인가처분무효확인 등을 청구한 사건에서 도시개발조합을 소송대리하여 전부 승소한 사안