법무법인바른 사이트는 IE11이상 혹은 타 브라우저에서
정상적으로 구동되도록 구현되었습니다.
익스플로러 10 이하버전에서는 브라우저 버전 업데이트 혹은
엣지, 크롬, 사파리등의 다른 브라우저로 접속을 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.
익스플로러 10 이하버전에서는 브라우저 버전 업데이트 혹은
엣지, 크롬, 사파리등의 다른 브라우저로 접속을 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.
- Conducted targeted examination of bank K and a financial holding company (concerning internal dispute and unjustified transfer of customer information etc.)
- Conducted full-scope examination of bank K (concerning management)
- Conducted full-scope examination of bank S (concerning management, including dividends)
- Conducted targeted examination of bank K’s suitability to deal with loans in connection with fraudulent loan in the amount of KRW 3 trillion to company M
- Conducted evaluation of restriction action imposed against bank E concerning unjustified increase of additional interest
- Conducted evaluation and mediation concerning proposed measures and investigation report in connection with unjustified access to credit information by bank S
- Conducted evaluation and mediation concerning proposed measures and investigation report in connection with unjustified loan approved by an overseas branch office of bank W
- Prepared No-Action Letter concerning two-way currency swap in connection with issuance of covered bonds by bank K
- Conducted mediation of dispute involving the affiliated company of securities company D in connection with incomplete sale of commercial papers and corporate bonds
- Conducted mediation of dispute concerning incomplete sale of subordinated bonds by a savings bank
- Conducted deliberation of agenda of the Financial Dispute Mediation Committee of the Financial Supervisory Service
- Expanded the coverage and supplemented the classification scheme for the particular body parts/illness exclusion clause
- Served as supervisory member for the amendment of life insurance standardized provisions for 2013
- Represented auto insurance company H and carried out various non-life insurance-related cases concerning auto accidents
- Represented life insurance company I and carried out various cases concerning incomplete sale of variable insurance
- Carried out various dispute mediation cases concerning auto insurance, coverage insurance, fire insurance, guarantee insurance, and affordable health insurance
- Conducted examination and mediation concerning the investigation of central federation of cooperatives N, central federation of cooperatives S, and central federation of cooperatives F
- Conducted examination and mediation concerning the targeted examination of the three branches of central federation of cooperatives C
- Conducted targeted examination of federation of milk cooperatives S (concerning suitability to deal with loans)
- Conducted mutual finance examination and established plans to standardize sanctions
- Represented in a criminal lawsuit case filed in connection with External Audit Act and Capital Markets Act with regard to company D’s accounting fraud in the amount of KRW 227 billion
- Represented in a lawsuit filed seeking to cancel an action that refused to renew the registration of company C as a money lender
- Represented in the case concerning a class action lawsuit filed by victims of lung failure for damages due to humidifier sterilizer
- Represented in a case investigated by prosecutors concerning the death of newborns at an intensive care unit at hospital E
- Represented in a case investigated by prosecutors against the National Council of Fourth-Year College of Medicine Students concerning disclosure of practical examination questions of the State Medical Examination
- Represented in a case investigated by prosecutors of the radiofrequency ablation treatment for the nucleus pulposus of the spine conducted by hospital S
- Represented in a medical lawsuit filed in connection with hypoxic brain damage that occurred after bone marrow puncture conducted by medical center S
- Represented in a medical lawsuit filed against quadriplegia that occurred after spinal disc surgery conducted by medical center A
- Represented in a medical lawsuit filed for death that occurred after radical nepherectomy conducted by the urology department of hospital S
- Represented in a medical lawsuit filed in connection with acute myocardial infarction diagnosis given by the emergency room of medical center C
- Represented in a medical lawsuit filed for death that occurred after surgery for paralytic ileus by hospital H
- Represented in civil and criminal lawsuits filed in connection with hypoxic brain damage that occurred during endoscopy conducted by an internal medicine physician
- Represented in a lawsuit filed in connection with hypoxic brain damage caused by meconium aspiration during delivery at OB/GYN clinic E
- Represented in a lawsuit filed to cancel the Health Technology Assessment concerning cartilage treatment of company S
- Represented in a lawsuit filed between pharmaceutical company J and pharmaceutical company C in connection with grants and price of goods
- Represented in a lawsuit filed in connection with ERP system of pharmaceutical company H
- Represented in a lawsuit filed in connection with validation of pharmaceutical company H
- Provided legal advice to pharmaceutical company B on rebates
- Provided legal advice to pharmaceutical company B on license agreements
- Represented in a case involving an application filed for registration of an enlisted military serviceman who died due to acute leukemia during military service, as a person of national merit
- Represented in a case involving an application filed for registration of an air force officer who died during his return home after official after-work dinner (hoesik)
- Financial Consumer Protection in Korea: What is the Best Regulatory Structure for it?, 2017, Kyushu University, Master’s Thesis
[금융·회계] D사의 분식회계 관련 외부감사법 및 자본시장법 위반 사건에 대한 1심, 2심 및 대법원 무죄판결 이끌어
[행정] ‘최대주주의 특수관계인이 최대주주와의 거래 이외의 방법으로 지분을 취득하여 상장법인의 최대주주가 된 경우’는 외부감사법 상 외부감사인 직권지정 대상 선정의 예외 사유 등
[민사] M&A과정에서 주식매도인이 주식매수인을 상대로 잔금을 지급하고 잔여 주식을 매수할 것을 청구한 사안에서, 피고에게 주식의 인수를 거절할 수 있는 선택권이 있다고 인정받아 승소 판결
[보험] ‘직장 내 유암종(신경내분비 종양)’이 암 보험약관상 ‘소화기관의 악성신생물(암) C20’에 해당한다는 판결을 이끌어낸 사례
[금융] 금융감독원장이 실시한 대부업등록갱신반려처분에 대해 C사가 불복하여 제기한 취소소송에서 피고 금융감독원장을 대리하여 1심 및 2심 전부 승소판결
[민사] 증권사 직원이 고객 명의 계좌를 통해 주식거래를 반복하여 수수료 및 세금 등으로 고객에게 큰 손실을 입한 사안에서 과당매매로 인한 불법행위에 해당한다고 인정받아 승소한 사례
[민사] 여신전문금융회사인 P사의 경영참여형 사모집합투자업자기구(PEF) 업무집행사원(GP) 등록 완료
[금융·행정] K증권의 리츠(REITs) 지분 취득 관련 금융위원회의 사후 출자승인 완료
[금융·행정] H자산운용의 부동산투자회사법상 자산관리회사(AMC) 국토교통부 겸영인가 취득 관련 자문
[민사] 허위의 거래서류 등이 제출된 여신거래(미트론)에서 선순위 양도담보권의 유효성을 인정한 사례
[민사] 보험회사가 임의비급여를 이유로 의료기관을 상대로 제기한 소송에서 의료기관을 대리하여 승소한 사례
[행정] 저축은행에 대한 과징금 처분 및 그 대표이사에 대한 직무정지 처분에 대한 취소소송에서 피고 금융위원회를 대리하여 승소한 사례