법무법인바른 사이트는 IE11이상 혹은 타 브라우저에서
정상적으로 구동되도록 구현되었습니다.

익스플로러 10 이하버전에서는 브라우저 버전 업데이트 혹은
엣지, 크롬, 사파리등의 다른 브라우저로 접속을 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.

李聖勳 구성원변호사

구성원 소개

LEE, Sung Hun served as Judge at the Seoul Central District Court, the Seoul Southern District Court and Uijeongbu District Court; Senior Judge at the Gwangju District Court; Judicial Researcher at the Supreme Court of Korea; Senior Judge at the Seoul Central District Court for 23 years from 1984 to 2008. After serving as Chief Judge of the Suwon District Court in 2008, he joined Barun Law LLC as partner attorney in 2010. He heard a number of civil and criminal cases as well as administrative cases behind the bench for 23 years. Since joining Barun Law LLC, he has successfully represented his clients through direct meetings with clients, thorough case reviews and aggressive argument at court.


  • 1996UC Berkeley Law School, Visiting Scholar
  • 1984Judicial Research and Training Institute of the Supreme Court of Korea (14th)
  • 1982Passed the Bar Exam (24th), Korea
  • 1981College of Law, Seoul National University (LL.B.)
  • 1977Seoul Inchang High School


  • 2008 ~ presentPartner, Barun Law LLC
  • 2023 ~ presentVice Chairman, Galleries Association of Korea
  • 2015 ~ 2019Commissioner, The Manufacturing Subcontract Dispute Mediation Committee of the Korean Federation of Small and Medium Businesses
  • 2010 ~ 2012Member, The Culture and Art Commission
  • 2009 ~ 2009Member, The Press Arbitration Commission
  • 2007 ~ 2008Chief Judge, Ansan Branch of Suwon District Court
  • 2000 ~ 2007Senior Judge, Gwangju District Court, Seoul Northern District Court and Seoul Central District Court
  • 1998 ~ 2000Judicial Researcher, Supreme Court of Korea
  • 1996 ~ 1998Judge, Seoul High Court
  • 1985 ~ 1996Judge, Jeonju District Court, Seoul District Court and Seoul Central District Court

주요 업무 및 활동

Civil/Commercial Matters

- Representing Sung Won Corporation, Sung Won Industrial Development in applying for corporate rehabilitation and advising on the rehabilitation procedure

- A case on execution of financial structure improvement agreement among 13 companies, including Hyundai Motors and Foreign Exchange Bank, and involving a claim for interim injunction to suspend the effect of the joint sanctions resolution

- A case filed by Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation against the management of Hyundai Group for damages arising from window dressing practices

- A case involving Seoul Foods Co., Ltd. on management right dispute arising from hostile M&A

- Cases involving Mukunghwa Corporation on interim injunction and merit of the case in relation to the management right dispute among the shareholders of the company

- A case involving Samil PwC filing a claim for interim injunction against Kim & Chang concerning the non-competition duty of an accountant

- A case where a claim for damages was filed by E-Trade Securities concerning online securities transaction

- A case on a claim for litigation costs of the litigation action filed against Samsung Electronics

- A case on recovery of land owned by ancestors

- A case on a golf club

- Cases on interim injunction and merit of the case involving the management dispute of Daehan Consultants Co., Ltd.

- A case involving a claim filed by Guri Urban Corporation for interim injunction against GS E&C to prohibit execution of a business agreement concerning an urban development project (amounting to KRW 3.8 trillion)

- Cases involving an injunction against the issuance of new shares by Donghwa Industry and a lawsuit on the merits, and an injunction against access to and photocopying of accounting books

- Cases involving injunction against issuance of new shares and exercise of voting rights by Dowon Development

- A case involving a claim for the agreement amount against JCF III K Holdings LP (an overseas private equity fund), etc.

Criminal Matters

- A case on breach of the Act on the Punishment of Tax Evaders concerning offshore tax evasion

- A case on breach of the Unfair Competition Prevention and Trade Secret Protection Act concerning OLED

- A case involving breach of duty, embezzlement, fraud, etc, in the joint golf course development project with a large conglomerate

- Cases involving Samhwa Savings Bank, SK Group, Eugene Group, Lotte Himart Co., Ltd. and Hanwha Group

- A case on breach of the Act on Prevention of Divulgence and Protection of Industrial Technology concerning OLED technology

- A criminal case involving the purchase and sale of a school corporation

Administrative Matters/Constitution

- A case on stay of execution of the disposition dismissing the Commissioner of Arts Council Korea

- A case on cancellation of disposition dismissing the Commissioner of Korean Film Council

- A case on cancellation of disposition approving the golf course-related urban planning-based facility

- A case on cancellation of disposition allowing expropriation in relation to a golf course

- A constitutional petition filed concerning the provisions pertaining to non-liability of land owners under the Soil Environment Conservation Act of Korea

- A case on cancellation of disposition imposing taxes against rebates provided by pharmaceutical companies

- A case on cancellation of dispositions approving new creation and construction of ready-mix concrete factory within a development restricted area

- A case concerning relief expenses





[조세형사]폐동거래에 있어서 사실과 다른 세금계산서를 수취·교부하였다고 보기 위한 검사 및 과세당국의 사실관계 입증의 정도

[형사] 자동차매몰치사죄로 기소된 사안에서 자동차매몰의 고의가 부정된 사례(광주고등법원 2014. 11. 27. 선고 2014노202 판결)

[공정거래] 대기업집단에 속하는 계열사 간 거래라 하더라도 공정한 입찰을 통해 이루어진다면 부당한 지원행위로 볼 수 없음

[조세]글로벌 스포츠브랜드 그룹의 본사 국제마케팅비가 상표권사용료(로열티)와는 특성을 달리한다는 서울고등법원 판결을 최초로 이끌어냄

[형사] 산업기술을 유출한 국내 회사 직원과 공모하였다는 이유로 구속기속된 중국 동포에 대하여 방조범을 인정한 원심 판결을 뒤집고 무죄를 선고한 판결

[보전·입찰] 대규모 도시개발사업(3.8조원 규모)과 관련된 민간사업자 공모절차에서 경쟁 컨소시엄이 제기한 사업협약체결금지 등 가처분 신청에 대해 기각결정을 이끌어 낸 사례

[민사] 현 경영진에 적대적인 주주들이 제기한 신주발행무효의 소 및 효력정지ㆍ의결권행사금지가처분신청을 기각한 사례

[민사] 국가를 상대로 도로부지를 포함한 토지의 소유권을 인정받은 사례

[지식재산] 특허심판원의 일관된 무효 판단을 뒤집은 사건