법무법인바른 사이트는 IE11이상 혹은 타 브라우저에서
정상적으로 구동되도록 구현되었습니다.

익스플로러 10 이하버전에서는 브라우저 버전 업데이트 혹은
엣지, 크롬, 사파리등의 다른 브라우저로 접속을 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.

Jung, Sang Tae 구성원변호사


  • 2013Visiting Scholar, Washington University
  • 2006Judicial Research and Training Institute of the Supreme Court of Korea (35th)
  • 2004College of Business Administration, Seoul National University
  • 2003Passed the Bar Exam (45th)
  • 1995Daeryun High School


  • 2019 ~ PresentPartner, Barun Law LLC
  • 2023 ~ PresentMember, Legislation Committee of the Korean Bar Association
  • 2021 ~ PresentMember, Joining Qualifications Deliberations Committee of the Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service
  • 2020. 2. ~ 2022. 1.Legal Councel, The Ministry of Labor
  • 2018 ~ PresentMember, The Industrial Disaster Compensation Insurance Judging Committee of Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service
  • 2014 ~ 2022Member, Disciplinary Committee of Seoul Regional Employment and Labor Agency
  • 2014 ~ PresentLecturer, Labor Law Training Institute, Seoul Bar Association
  • 2014 ~ PresentDirector, Society of Labor Law Theory and Profession
  • 2014 ~ 2019Kim & Chang
  • 2008 ~ 2014Lee & Ko
  • 2006 ~ 2008Jisung Law Offices
  • 2006I&S Law Offices

주요 업무 및 활동

Employment/Labor-Related Litigation

- Represented in a case involving employment succession following division of company H (a distributor of food products)

- Represented in a case involving company Y (a chemical company) where a claim was filed for extension of the retirement age following correction of family register

- Represented in a case involving company Y (a chemical company) where the prime leader of an illegal assembly was terminated

- Represented in a case involving company M (a broadcasting company) where the perpetrator of sexual harassment was terminated

- Represented in a case involving bank H where an employee was terminated for unjustifiable use of the corporate credit card

- Represented in a case involving corporate group H (automobile) for terminating low-performing workers

- Represented in a case involving corporate group H (automobile) for unjustly suspending lines and terminating workers in connection with an illegal assembly

- Represented in a case involving corporate group H (automobile) concerning subcontracting within the company and illegal secondment of car salesmen

- Represented in a case involving corporate group D (electronic service) for confirmation of technical service worker’s position as a worker

- Represented in a case involving corporate group S (electronics) where a worker was terminated for refusing to comply with work orders

- Represented in multiple cases concerned with ordinary wages of various companies, including company D (steel)

- Represented in a case involving company H (metal) where a worker, who was ordered by the company to be transferred refused to comply with such order, was terminated

- Represented in a case involving layoff for redundancy carried out by company H (port)

- Represented in a case involving company H (petroleum chemistry) where a retiring officer claimed for performance pay

- Represented in a case involving a guarantee insurance company S concerning the company’s salary peak system

- Represented in a case involving tire company K where a claim was made for severance pay

Employment/Labor-Related Advice

- Advised company S (semiconductors) on their project concerning subcontracting within the company and personnel-related regulations

- Advised corporate group L on their project to check the appropriateness of operating service centers by way of subcontracting

- Advised corporate group S on their project to reduce work hours

- Advised company D (logistics) on their project to check subcontracting their logistics work

- Advised rental car company L on their project to check subcontracting of their rental car business

- Advised company S (medical device) on their project to investigate on subcontracting within the company

- Advised company N (Internet) on their project concerning work hours

- Advised group S (department store) on their project to reduce work hours and check their subcontracting

- Advised company C (highway) concerning collective bargaining

- Advised company H (distribution) concerning collective bargaining

- Advised company T (broadcasting) concerning collective bargaining





[인사·노동] 회사가 수회에 걸쳐 부여한 단시간의 휴식시간이 근로기준법상 휴게시간에 해당한다는 판결

[인사·노동] 지방자치단체가 운영하는 통합관제센터의 관제요원들에게 계약갱신 기대권이 인정되지 않는다는 판결

[인사·노동] 1일 2교대 근무제 근로자들이 휴게시간 미부여를 주장하면서 연장근로수당 및 휴일근로수당을 청구한 사건에서 사용자측을 대리해 승소

[인사·노동] 증권회사에서 영문리포트를 교열, 편집하는 외국인 에디터의 경우 기간제근로자 사용기간 제한의 예외에 해당하는, 한국표준직업분류 대분류 2의 출판물 편집자에 해당한다는 판결 사례

[산업안전보건] 건설용 리프트 해체 작업 중 근로자 3명이 사망하고 1명이 중상을 입은 사건에서, 산업안전보건법위반죄 및 업무상과실치사상죄에 대해 1심 전부무죄 판결을 이끌어 낸 사례

[인사·노동] 증권사의 임금피크제가 유효하다고 판단받은 사례

[노동] 전자제품 설치기사들의 근로기준법상 근로자성이 쟁점이 된 사건에서 회사를 대리하여 1심 승소 판결을 이끌어 낸 사례

[형사] 계열사 주식처분으로 인한 배임 혐의로 고소당한 의뢰인을 대리해 검찰 불기소처분을 받은 사례

[인사·노동] 회사의 상무가 비조합원에게 노동조합에 관한 부정적인 의견을 표현한 것이 부당노동행위에 해당하는지 여부가 쟁점이 된 사건에서 검찰 불기소 처분을 이끌어 낸 사례

[인사·노동] 회사가 노동조합의 계좌로 5천만원을 입금한 것이 운영비 원조의 부당노동행위에 해당하는지 여부가 쟁점이 된 사건에서 불송치결정을 이끌어 낸 사례

[인사·노동] 임금피크제가 유효하다고 판단 받은 사례