법무법인바른 사이트는 IE11이상 혹은 타 브라우저에서
정상적으로 구동되도록 구현되었습니다.

익스플로러 10 이하버전에서는 브라우저 버전 업데이트 혹은
엣지, 크롬, 사파리등의 다른 브라우저로 접속을 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.

吕知玧 구성원변호사


  • 2020Doctorate Program, Kwangwoon University, Graduate School of Legal Affairs in Construction
  • 2018Kwangwoon University, Graduate School of Legal Affairs in Construction
  • 2016Judicial Research and Training Institute of the Supreme Court of Korea (45th)
  • 2014Seoul National University, College of Law (LL.B.)
  • 2013Passed the Bar Exam (55th)
  • 2001Seoul Sewha Girls High School


  • 2024 ~ presentPartner, Barun Law LLC
  • 2016 ~ 2023Associate, Barun Law LLC
  • 2022 ~ Present Adjunct Professor (Construction Litigation Practice), Kwangwoon University Graduate School of Legal Affairs in Construction
  • 2022 ~ Present Adjunct Professor, Department of Asset Management of Kwangwoon University
  • 2022 ~ Present Director, Korean Association of Trust Attorneys
  • 2022Lecturer on Trust Law, Korea Productivity Center
  • 2021Secondment, Shinyoung Real Estate Trust
  • 2020 ~ Present Adjunct Professor (Reconstruction and Redevelopment), Kwangwoon University Graduate School of Legal Affairs in Construction
  • 2020 ~ Present Reconstruction and redevelopment registered as legal specialty areas, Korean Bar Association
  • 2019 ~ presentRegistered as an attorney specializing in construction business the Korean Bar Association
  • 2019 ~ presentAcquired Maintenance Business Professional Management license (registered as professional reconstruction and redevelopment manager; Private Qualification No.: 2005-536)
  • 2018Member, Construction Law Association

주요 업무 및 활동

Reconstruction /Redevelopment   

- Litigation on Shinbanpo *-cha reconstruction and redevelopment project (Seocho-gu, Seoul)

- Litigation on ** Garden Apartment reconstruction and redevelopment project (Seocho-gu, Seoul) and provided related advice

- Advised remodeling housing association of ** Apartment in Daechi-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

- Litigation on Bangbae ** area reconstruction and redevelopment project (Seocho-gu, Seoul) and provided related advice

- Advised reconstruction and redevelopment association of ** Apartment in Yeouido, Youngdeungpo-gu, Seoul

- A case involving the redevelopment project association of Hongeun ** area in Seodaemun-gu, Seoul

- Litigation involving redevelopment project association of ** area in Daejon

- Litigation involving housing redevelopment project of ** area in Cheongju

- Various criminal cases involving breach of the Act on the Improvement of Urban Areas and Residential Environments

Construction Matters

- Litigation involving claim for defect repair against a construction company

- A claim filed by construction company * against insurance company ** for construction insurance benefits

- Took part in a case where a claim was filed against Construction Guarantee for return of deposit money

- Took part in a litigation where subcontractors filed a claim against the joint contractors for payment of the construction costs

- Took part in a litigation where a local housing association filed a claim for registration of transferred ownership

Aggregate Building-Related Matters  

- Took part in various cases concerning interim injunctions and litigation with regard to the status of the rightful manager of an aggregate building

- Took part in various litigation cases including a claim filed by an aggregate building seeking for payment of maintenance fees, and a claim filed to cancel the resolution passed by the managing body

- Took part in various litigation cases concerning personal use of common areas by some of the joint owners of an aggregate building

Corporate Management Disputes

- Took part in various cases concerning interim injunctions to determine the temporary position of shareholders, to prohibit exercise of voting rights, and to prohibit the disposal of shares

- Took part in cases concerning claims filed to confirm the shareholder’s right, and to demand for alternation of entries or change of names in the shareholders’ registry, etc.


- Simple Summary of Subcontract Disputes, The Construction Economic Daily Publishing Company





[건설·재건축] 도시개발사업 시행자 지정신청을 거부처분한 S시를 상대로 그로 인한 손해배상을 청구한 사건에서, 일부 인용판결 이끌어

[건설·부동산] 분양회사 및 그로부터 관리권한을 위탁받은 업체가 관리단 및 그로부터 관리권한을 위탁받은 업체를 상대로 상가건물 관리업무방해금지가처분을 신청한 사건에서 관리단을 대리해 기각 결정 이끌어

[건설재건축] 보험회사를 상대로 120억 원이 넘는 추가공사비를 건설보험금으로 청구한 사건에서 보험회사를 대리하여 청구를 전부 기각한 사안

[재건축·재개발] 재개발조합을 대리해 공사도급계약을 해지당한 건설회사의 조합에 대한 시공자선정 및 입찰중지 가처분 결정을 뒤집고 가처분 결정의 취소를 이끌어 냄

[건설·부동산] 1동 32세대 중 1세대의 사업권만을 보유하지 못하였다는 이유로, 주택건설사업계획의 사업주체 변경 신청을 반려당한 A사를 대리하여 반려처분의 취소를 이끌어 냄

재개발조합이 시공자와의 공사도급계약을 해지하자, 시공자가 위 해지의 효력 정지 및 새로운 시공자 선정을 위한 입찰절차의 금지를 구한 가처분 사건

[공정거래] 추가공사비 등 미지급을 이유로 하는 하도급법 위반 혐의 건에서 공정위의 심사절차종료 결정 등을 도출

[건설·부동산] 대형건설사가 보험회사를 상대로 180억 원이 넘는 추가공사비를 건설보험금으로 청구한 사건에서 보험회사를 소송대리하여 99%의 청구를 전부 기각한 사례

[민사] 위탁자겸 수익자가 부동산신탁회사를 상대로 선관주의의무위반에 따른 손해배상을 청구한 사건에서, 신탁사를 대리해 전부 승소한 사례