법무법인바른 사이트는 IE11이상 혹은 타 브라우저에서
정상적으로 구동되도록 구현되었습니다.

익스플로러 10 이하버전에서는 브라우저 버전 업데이트 혹은
엣지, 크롬, 사파리등의 다른 브라우저로 접속을 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.

金宰浩 구성원변호사

구성원 소개

Attorney KIM, Jae Ho served as a judge for twelve years in courts, including the Seoul District Court and Seoul Family Court, and he is one of the founding members of Barun Law LLC, which was established in 1998. He served as the Managing Partner of the firm  for the periods from 2012 to 2014 and from 206 and 2018.

Attorney Kim is well renowned for his capabilities in drawing out successful rulings in criminal cases with regard to their main criminal charges, including the criminal charges against Byeon Yang-kyoon in the Shin Jeong-ah case, criminal charges against Cho Poong-eon in the case with regard to lobby efforts made to aid the Daewoo Group during the Kim Dae-jung administration, etc.

Moreover, Attorney Kim has a diverse experience in gaining victory in many other fields, including labor (cases regarding confirmation of nullification of Doosan Heavy Industries & Machinery’s voluntary retirement and the dispute on the nature of workability of a private workbook (hakseupji) instructor) and civil cases (case regarding a claim for damages with regard to SK Life Insurance).


  • 1987Judicial Research and Training Institute of the Supreme Court of Korea (16th)
  • 1985College of Law, Seoul National University (LL.B.)
  • 1984Passed the Bar Exam (26th), Korea
  • 1980Seoul Choongang High School


  • 2019 ~ presentPartner, Barun Law LLC
  • 2016 ~ 2018Managing Partner, Barun Law LLC
  • 2015Partner, Barun Law LLC
  • 2012 ~ 2014Managing Partner, Barun Law LLC
  • 2007 ~ 2009Member, Financial Dispute Mediation Committee of Financial Supervisory Service
  • 2003 ~ 2004Korea Communications Commission (Reporting Deliberations Committee)
  • 1998 ~ 2011Partner, Barun Law LLC
  • 1987 ~ 1998Judge, Northern Branch of Seoul District Court, Seoul Civil District Court, Gangneung Branch of Chuncheon District Court, Southern Branch of Seoul District Court, Seoul District Court, Seoul Family Court

주요 업무 및 활동

Criminal Matters

- Defending former Presidential Policy Planner, Byeon Yang-kyoon

- Representing in the case with regard to the lobby efforts made by Cho Poong-eon (weapons dealer) to aid the Daewoo Group


- Representing Daewoo Heavy Industries & Machinery Ltd. in a case regarding confirmation of nullification of voluntary retirement


- Comprehensive Devise Trial Materials (Issues of the Inheritance Law, Vol. 78, Court Library, 1998)





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