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익스플로러 10 이하버전에서는 브라우저 버전 업데이트 혹은
엣지, 크롬, 사파리등의 다른 브라우저로 접속을 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.

Kim, Yong Kyun 구성원변호사

구성원 소개

After he was appointed as a judge in 1982, KIM, Yong Kyun served as Senior Judge at the Seoul High Court in 2002; Chief Judge at the Uijeongbu District Court in 2006, Chief Judge at the Seoul Northern District Court in 2008; and Chief Judge at the Seoul Administration Court (concurrently Chief Judge at the Seoul Family Court) in 2009. He joined Barun Law LLC in 2010. Since then, he has been retained as counsel for various civil and criminal cases as well as administrative and family cases, and has successfully represented his clients on the basis of expertise and experience. He has also provided legal advice and representation services for a number of corporate and individual clients, including redevelopment and reconstruction associations.


  • 1979Judicial Research and Training Institute of the Supreme Court of Korea (9th)
  • 1977Passed the Bar Exam (19th), Korea
  • 1977College of Law, Seoul National University (LL.B.)
  • 1972Namsung High School


  • 2022 ~ PresentPartner, Barun Law LLC
  • 2019 ~ 2021Managing Partner, Barun Law LLC
  • 2018 ~ PresentOutside Director Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co., Ltd.
  • 2017 ~ 2020 President, “정(Jeong),” an incorporated association for public interest
  • 2017 ~ 2019 Chairman, Namsung Middle and High School Alumni Association
  • 2013 ~ 2017 Adjunct Professor, Seoul National University Law School
  • 2010 ~ 2018Partner, Barun Law LLC
  • 2010 ~ PresentHonorary Ambassador, National Yontan Bank (Bapsang Community Foundation)
  • 2009 ~ 2010Chief Judge, Seoul Administration Court (and Seoul Family Court)
  • 2008 ~ 2009Chief Judge, Seoul Northern District Court
  • 2006 ~ 2008Chief Judge, Uijeongbu District Court
  • 2002 ~ 2006Senior Judge, Seoul High Court

주요 업무 및 활동


- Representing Sungwon Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd. and Sungwon Industrial Development Co., Ltd. in filing an application for corporate rehabilitation and advising them on the rehabilitation proceedings

- Representing and advising the redevelopment association of the Sogok district with regard to a lawsuit filed to confirm the nullification of the designation of the district to be redeveloped


- Representing the redevelopment association of Ungam District II with regard to an administrative lawsuit and provisional disposition application

- Representing a supervisor in a case filed to claim the cancellation of disposition to designate a supervisor and the stay of execution

- A litigation action concerning the cancellation of disposition to cancel the designation and publication of autonomous high school

- A litigation action concerning the cancellation of disposition to reject the classification of a game grade and the stay of execution

Civil Matter(s)

- Representing in a case filed to claim the return of unjust enrichment with regard to the purchase of an apartment site subject to reconstruction for consideration

- Diverse civil cases related to fire accidents (liability for damages)





[형사·조세] 세무조사 과정에서 조사담당공무원을 협박해 1심에서 공무집행방해죄 유죄판결을 받아 실형 선고 및 법정구속 된 사건의 2심에서 무죄판결을 받아 석방된 사례

[재건축]재건축 사업부지의 약 8.5%를 보유한 상가소유자를 배제한 채 상가를 짓지 않는 내용으로 동의 받은 재건축 조합설립은 무효

[인사·노동] 지원자와 밀접한 관계에 있는 자의 채용청탁이 인정된다고 하더라도, 취업규칙(인사규정)상 직권면직사유의 문언적 한계를 벗어나고 청탁과 채용 사이에 인과관계가 인정되지 않는다면, 당해 직권면직은 위법하다는 판결

[민사] 회생절차개시결정에 의해 금지되는 ‘양도담보권의 실행행위’의 의미를 명확히 한 사례 (대법원 파기환송)

[노동] 채용비리사유로 직권면직된 근로자들을 대리해 인과관계없음을 증명하고 1심과 항소심 모두 승소한 사례

[민사] 판매업무 및 관리 위탁계약의 해지를 주장하는 가맹본부를 상대로 임시지위가처분, 간접강제신청 및 계약효력존속확인의 소를 통해 분쟁을 해결한 사례

[형사] 마약류관리에관한법률위반(향정) 사건의 상고심에서 유죄를 선고한 제2심의 판단에 공판중심주의, 직접심리주의, 증거재판주의 원칙에 관한 법리를 오해한 위법이 있다고 보아 무죄 취지의 파기환송 판결을 받은 사례

[건설] 재개발사업에서 임대주택 매각 관련 분쟁을 성공적으로 방어한 사례

[건설·부동산] 구두약정 등에 기초하여 추가적 법인세 상당의 손해배상을 인용받은 사례