법무법인바른 사이트는 IE11이상 혹은 타 브라우저에서
정상적으로 구동되도록 구현되었습니다.

익스플로러 10 이하버전에서는 브라우저 버전 업데이트 혹은
엣지, 크롬, 사파리등의 다른 브라우저로 접속을 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.

韓太榮 구성원변호사

구성원 소개

Attorney Han, Tae Young is a partner at Barun Law LLC and his practice focuses on board of directors, general meeting of shareholders, foreign exchange, investment structures, governance structures, compliance, M&A, management disputes, corporate advisory, national health insurance, and copyright law. He has accumulated in-depth expertise and experience in various management dispute cases involving listed companies and unlisted companies as well as in M&A cases dealing with various structures. He is a recipient of the 2018 Korea Legal Awards.


  • 2019Korea University Graduate School (Masters Course on Tax Law)
  • 2014Completed Compliance Expert Training Program, Korea Listed Companies Association
  • 2012Judicial Research and Training Institute of Supreme Court of Korea (41st)
  • 2009Passed the Korean Bar Exam (51st)
  • 2008College of Law, Korea University
  • 2000Myungduk Foreign Language High School


  • 2020 ~ PresentPartner, Barun Law LLC
  • 2020 ~ Present Legal Advisor, Korean Society of Authors
  • 2020 ~ Present Legal Advisor, National Health Insurance
  • 2017 ~ 2019 Associate. Barunlaw LLC
  • 2015 ~ 2017In-House Counsel (Finance Strategy), Office of Finance, CJ Corporation
  • 2012 ~ 2015 In-House Counsel (Legal Affairs and Compliance), Office of Legal Affairs / Finance, CJ Corporation

주요 업무 및 활동

Management Rights Disputes

- Advised Good People Co., Ltd. on management rights dispute

- Advised Seacret Direct Korea on management rights dispute

- Advised Pine Asia Asset Management on management rights dispute

- Advised EDT on management right dispute

- Advised CCS on management rights dispute


- Advised Kyung Nam Pharm as M&A advisor on improving corporate governance structure  

- Advised Foodville on the sale of its wedding business division

- Advised on sale of healthcare business division

- Advised on acquisition of Daewoo Logistics

- Advised on acquisition of Coway

- Advised Hapag-Lloyd on merger

- Advised on merger with Muan RPC, representing Nonghyup Yanggok

- Advised on sale of GT:st, a drama and film production company

- Advised on transfer of shares in, merger and financial restructuring of a company that operates a mid-ranking golf course

- Advised on acquisition of waste treatment company and solar power company

- Advised large company C on contributions in kind between affiliated companies


- Advised KT&G on creating its compliance system

- Conducted audits of a cosmetics company, headhunting company, etc.

General Corporate / Investment Advice

- Advised on establishment of a joint venture between CJ LiveCity and a foreign company

- Advised Kangstem Biotech on investment agreement

- Advised TS Food, an affiliated company of TS Corporation, on a dispute involving a supply contract

- Advised Design & Innovation Company on a dispute involving a supply contract

- Advised CD Networks on a dispute involving a joint business contract

- Advised Pigeon on preparing standardized distribution contract to be used in and outside of Korea

- Provided legal advice to startup companies that are tenants at “Orange Farm,” a startup business assistance center

Project Financing

- Advised a mid-ranking clothing company on procuring funds through asset-backed loans (ABL) and asset-backed commercial papers (ABCP)

- Advised a mid-ranking medical and pharmaceutical company on procuring funds through asset-backed commercial papers(ABCP)

Foreign Exchange

- Reported the exchange of shares in a Korea company and shares in a foreign company to the Bank of Korea

- Reported the bonds issued by way of settlement to the Bank of Korea  


- Represented in various litigation cases on management rights disputes, including claims seeking interim injunction allowing review and copying of accounting books, permission to convene extraordinary general shareholders meeting, interim injunction prohibiting notice of acceleration, interim injunction suspending the effect of contract termination, interim injunction prohibiting submission of an agenda, interim injunction cancelling the permission to convene extraordinary general shareholders meeting, interim injunction allowing review and copying of shareholder registry, etc.

- Conducted various litigation cases where claims were filed seeking for payment following the exercise of redeemable convertible preference shares (RCPS), payment of share purchase price, and shareholder derivative suits concerning directors’ liability to pay damages in connection with management rights dispute, and other lawsuits involving claims for construction payment, penalty, etc. concerning contracts


- Attorney Han Tae Young’s Compliance Report, 12 articles published in Metro Seoul (2017 ~ 2018)

- Commentaries on North Korean Legislation on Investing in North Korea, Emerging Market Research Society, 2018 (joint authorship)





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