법무법인바른 사이트는 IE11이상 혹은 타 브라우저에서
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익스플로러 10 이하버전에서는 브라우저 버전 업데이트 혹은
엣지, 크롬, 사파리등의 다른 브라우저로 접속을 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.


  • 2008University of Minnesota Carlson School Of Management (MBT)
  • 2008University of Minnesota Law School (J.D.)
  • 1998College of Business and Economics, Yonsei University
  • 2002 Kyungki High School


  • 2018 ~ PresentSenior Foreign Attorney, Barun Law LLC
  • 2021 ~ PresentKCAB Next Steering Committee
  • 2020 ~ PresentInternational Arbitrator, Korean Commercial Arbitration Board
  • 2019IMember, External Auditor Selection Committee, Lotte Members
  • 2010 ~ 2017Foreign Attorney, Barun Law LLC
  • 2009 ~ 2010Legal Team, LG Electronics Inc.
  • 2008 ~ 2009Attorney, Johanson Bereson LLP (c/k/a Jackson Lewis LLP)
  • 2007 ~ 2008Law Clerk, Bernick & Lifson P.A.

주요 업무 및 활동

Corporate Advisory (M&A and JV)

- Advised the establishment of a joint venture between Calbee, Inc., a Japanese company, and Haitai Confectionary & Foods Co., Ltd.   

- Advised Incheon International Airport Corporation on the acquisition of shares of Khabarovsk Airport, Russia   

- Advised Hyundai Group on the acquisition of the Banyan Tree Hotel Seoul 

- Advised on the merger of Texas Instruments Korea Ltd. and National Semiconductor Korea

- Advised on the joint venture between Korean National Oil Corporation and a foreign investor

- Advised the establishment of a joint venture between PARU and OCI Energy in the US for a renewal energy project

- Advised on the merger of CSAV Korea and Hapag Lloyd Korea

- Advised the seller in the sale of the shares in Jungjin to Kerry Group

- Advised Mattel in its acquisition of shares in Sonokong

- Advised Wangsu Science and Technology in its acquisition of shares in CDNetworks

- Advised POSMATE in its established of a joint venture in Saudi Arabia

- Advised the world’s third largest automotive supplier (Magna International) on the sale of its Fluid Pressure & Controls business to Hanon Systems Corp 

- Advised Daekyo in its acquisition of shares in KnowRe America

- Advised Embassies in Korea in their sales and purchase of real properties

International Arbitration

- Represented an international arbitration filed before the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board (KCAB) to claim the payment of the service fee for the design of a golf course in China   

- Represented an international arbitration filed before the KCAB in relation to a polysilicon equipment supply agreement

- International arbitration case between a domestic construction company and a Saudi Arabian company regarding the construction of a chemical products production plant in the Middle East, and interim injunction and attachment cases related to performance bonds brought before the courts in Korea

- Represented a major French engineering company in a dispute before the KCAB with a major Korean construction company in connection with a construction project in Saudi Arabia

- Represented a major French engineering company in a dispute before the KCAB against a Danish subcontractor in connection with a dispute stemming from the construction of a power plant in Saudi Arabia

- Represented the Korean subsidiary of one of the world’s largest software corporations in an International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) arbitration against a Korean large conglomerate

- Represented an international arbitration case before the AAA/ICDR concerning infringement of trade secrets between a Korean company vs. a U.S. company

- Represented a Korean company against a US company in AAA/ICDR arbitration in connection with an agency agreement for the sales of automotive parts to global automotive manufacturers

- Represented a Korean company against a US company in HKIAC arbitration in connection with a supply agreement for air heaters

- Represented an Israeli company against the bankruptcy administrator of a Korean shipping company in an international arbitration case before the KCAB concerning estate claims

- Represented a Greek company against the bankruptcy administrator of a large Korean shipping company in an international arbitration case before the KCAB concerning estate claims

- Represented a Korean company against a European construction company in an international arbitration case before the KCAB concerning a steel factory construction projection in Korea

- Represented a Korean pharmaceutical company against a Middle Eastern company in an arbitration case before the ICC concerning supply of pharmaceutical products in the Middle East 

- Represented a major foreign company in a dispute before the KCAB with a major Korean  energy  company in connection with projects in nuclear power plants  

- Acted as Secretary of the Expert Panel in a labor related EU-KOR FTA dispute

Publications / Seminars

- The Dispute Resolution Review, Korea Section, Law Business Research Ltd, 2013 Edition

- Korean Arbitration Review (9th Issue): Recognition and Enforcement of the Exemplary Damages Portion of an International Arbitral Award in Korean Courts (Joint Authorship, Korean Commercial Arbitration Board, 2018)

- SIAC Articles: An Introduction to North Korea’s External Economic Arbitration Act (Joint Authorship, Singapore International Arbitration Centre, 2018)

- Art and Arbitration, Korea JoongAng Daily, July 3, 2019

- Panel Speaker, Global Human Rights Footprint of Companies, IBA Seoul 2019  

- Korean Arbitration Review (11th Issue): Authority of the Arbitral Tribunal to Rule on the Validity of the Arbitral Agreement and to Grant Interim Measures (Joint Authorship, Korean Commercial Arbitration Board, 2020) 

- Presenter, “Practical Tips: Preparing and Handling International Arbitration Cases,” KCAB International, February 5, 2021

- Kluwer Blog, Time for Class Action Arbitrations in Korea? (Co-author), August 9, 2021 

- Presenter, Different Ways to Respond to Disputes Foreign Companies Can Face in Korea, the European Chamber of Commerce in Korea, September 9, 2021.

- Kluwer Blog, Korean Supreme Court’s Recent Recognition of Treble Damages: Implications for the Enforcement of Arbitral Awards, (Co-author), October 22, 2022 

- Panel Speaker, Data Compliance : Compliance issues regarding data privacy, THE 30th IAKL ANNUAL CONFERENCE (September 15, 2024)







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