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익스플로러 10 이하버전에서는 브라우저 버전 업데이트 혹은
엣지, 크롬, 사파리등의 다른 브라우저로 접속을 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.

구성원 소개

Attorney Kim, Hyun Woong, the managing partner of our firm, concluded his 32-year career in public service with his final role as the 64th Minister of Justice and joined the firm in June 2020.

Attorney Kim commenced his career in 1990 as a prosecutor with the Busan District Prosecutors’ Office. He has held a number of prominent roles, including Chief of the Special Investigation Division of the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office, Legal Affairs Officer of the Ministry of Justice, Deputy Chief Prosecutor of the Busan High Prosecutors' Office, Chief Prosecutor of the Chuncheon District Prosecutors' Office, Chief Prosecutor of the Gwangju District Prosecutors' Office, Deputy Minister of Justice, and Chief Prosecutor of the Seoul High Prosecutors' Office. During his tenure as a prosecutor, he also spent a year as a visiting scholar at Peking University in Beijing, China, as part of an international training program.

Currently, as a managing partner of the firm, he is responsible for handling major criminal cases such as white-collar criminal cases, complaints and investigations, anti-corruption and election-related cases, as well as litigation and advisory services related to China.


  • 1995 ~ 1996中国北京大学法律系,访问学者(检察官海外训练)
  • 1987司法研修院第16期,结业
  • 1984第26届司法考试,合格
  • 1992首尔大学法学院,毕业(商法,法学硕士)
  • 1982首尔大学法律系,毕业
  • 1977光州第一高中,毕业


  • 2020 ~ 至今法务法人(有限)博伦,代表律师
  • 2018 ~ 2020金贤雄法律事务所,律师
  • 2015 ~ 2016第64任法务部部长
  • 2015首尔高等检察厅,检察长
  • 2013 ~ 2015法务部,副部长
  • 2013釜山高等检察厅,检察长
  • 2012 ~ 2013光州地方检察厅,检察长
  • 2011 ~ 2012首尔西部地方检察厅,检察长
  • 2010 ~ 2011春川地方检察厅,检察长
  • 2009 ~ 2010釜山高等检察厅,次长检察官
  • 2009首尔高等检察厅,刑事部,部长检察官
  • 2008 ~ 2009仁川地方检察厅,次长检察官
  • 2007 ~ 2008法务部,监察企划官
  • 2006 ~ 2007首尔中央地方检察厅,特别1部,部长检察官
  • 2004 ~ 2006法务部,法务审议官
  • 2003 ~ 2004釜山高等检察厅,检察官(存款保险公社,派遣)
  • 2002 ~ 2003大检察厅,公判讼务科,科长
  • 2001 ~ 2002光州地方检察厅,特别部,部长检察官
  • 2000 ~ 2001春川地方检察厅束草支厅,厅长
  • 1997 ~ 2000大检察厅,检察研究官
  • 1994 ~ 1997首尔地方检察厅,检察官
  • 1992 ~ 1994光州地方检察厅木浦支厅,检察官
  • 1990 ~ 1992釜山地方检察厅,检察官

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