법무법인바른 사이트는 IE11이상 혹은 타 브라우저에서
정상적으로 구동되도록 구현되었습니다.

익스플로러 10 이하버전에서는 브라우저 버전 업데이트 혹은
엣지, 크롬, 사파리등의 다른 브라우저로 접속을 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.

ㅇAttorney Gwang Hyeon Baek (Barun Law) was awarded the Asia-Pacific 2021 Litigation Star in Competition/Antitrust Award from Benchmark Litigation, which provides the rankings of law firms and lawyers across the world based on their analysis of litigation, dispute cases and developments.
ㅇBenchmark Litigation explained that this year’s winners were selected by way of review that was carried out for several months as well as customer feedback surveys and one-on-one interviews.